I’m 20 yrs old, from India. My first suicide attempt was in 2012, but I was saved. At that time I wasn’t aware that overdose of any medicines won’t kill me. I don’t want to talk about how my life is. I have just stopped caring about EVERYTHING. It’s like I don’t feel anything anymore. I have taken treatment for my depression, still talk to my therapist but its not helping me anymore. It seems that my therapist isn’t taking me seriously anymore. He just says to me that your life is alright, there are people whose life is worse than you then why do you want to die? I have told him so many times about how I really feel. I talked to him about euthanasia because I don’t wish to die hanging myself or anything which would hurt my parents and I guess I’m too scared to commit suicide in a way which I’m not sure would guarantee death. I want it to be quick and leaving no mess for others to see. I know that euthanasia is for people who have illness which is not curable but if I’m going to feel this way daily, if I can’t fall asleep and depend on pills or people for happiness then I really don’t wish to live this way , I don’t want to change anymore or try, I can’t live like this for 40 more years. My therapist wants me to give myself 5 more years, wait and see. I can’t continue anymore. I don’t have any dreams anymore. I feel so irritated at others and myself. I wish I could write more how I feel. I feel exhausted, empty. If someone knows from where I can by ******** liquid to drink then please contact me or if someone who can send this medicine to me… I wish people empathised those who chose death and helped them…Is there anyone from India here? How are you coping with suicidal thoughts?
I’m not from India, however I can relate to being told by a ‘medical professional’ to just think positive, people expect immediate results rather than take the time to listen sympathize and think, humans are made of many emotions, and negative thoughts shouldn’t be ignored, they should be confronted to help work through the problem. My dr/gp (i live in the uk) recommended ‘mindfulness and meditation’, that doesn’t get rid of physical problems or chemical imbalances. Anyways, i would suggest talking to someone you trust and switching therapists, hope things turn out ok
Hi, I am from India. I don’t have suicidal thoughts yet. I was living happily till my brother hanged himself. But my brother’s death making me sometimes to think about suicide and I am here. What is this ******** liquid, I never heard of it. If you get it by any means please tell me.
My son, you are young 20 ha! what is the problem? do you have arms and legs? i don’t hear any real physical problems? why are you so depressed? i’m not knocking you, everyone is depressed, whether you die today or 40 years from now it doesn’t matter, but you really are so young you should give life a chance, experience the challenge, thing’s always change.
Perhaps check for another therapist or try out a different set of medication start also try a support group so you will not feel alone, maybe an indian support group. Maybe new adventure or adventure .Good luck to your