My husband told me today that I’m crazy in a non joking manner, then went further on to say that my doctor and therapist were crazy for thinking they could help me. I love this man but he says things that just cut me to the bone sometimes. Then he wonders why I really don’t care if I live or die. Actually I more fear life than death. I hate life. I have things worth living for but they don’t hold enough power over me to keep me here guaranteed. I’m a failure at everything I try to accomplish. Apparently this includes getting better. So what’s the point now? Is there one? What’s so important that I should stay?
If you love him, you need to tell him to work on his outbursts. A partner should never break down his other half. Also, I highly doubt you fail at everything you’ve ever tried to accomplish. Failure is, unfortunately, part of life. We just need to try again, that’s the important part. O and it’s good that you’re seeing a doctor and therapist for your issues. You and they are definitely not “crazy”.
Your spouse sounds like an abusive a-hole. Why would you love someone who treats you this way? You also will not be able to get better unless you’re around people who are supportive of you.
People-esp in positions of power over others, are usually blind and apathetic about the harm they cause to others. Frankly the best thing to do is to leave him and live with a family member that you trust, if you can.
When I was younger and more idealistic I wanted to save the world. As I grew older, I realized I could barely save myself. So keep that in mind, that only you can really save yourself-very few people could intervene in your life and help you out.
It’ll probably be the hardest thing to do, but you’ll thank yourself later on. I’ve hit rock-bottom a couple of times in my life, but with a lot of effort, I was able to pull myself out. I’m doing much better than before but still nowhere near my real goal, but I’m working on that.
So whatever it is that you’re going through, hopefully you’ll be able to overcome it. If others in your life are willing to help then take advantage. It’s not healthy to have toxic people in your life, it’s best to get rid of them if you can.