Never in my life have I felt more average. Which is right now.
Growing up there were times when I felt otherwise, when I gained some rapport of individuality through being better than others at some subjects, or making sure that I followed the rules and kept my mouth shut when other kept talking on obliviously.
The truth is there is nothing special about my unique place on Earth. My uniqueness contrasted with other people’s uniqueness automatically cancels each other out. It’s as simple as math. like 1/1. There’s no point in that divide when they are the same quantity and quality.
I am alive because my parents fucked (quite unimaginable, but then anything can happen) and decided to raise some kids. I had no choice in this but to stand in the places that they placed me and observe the world and be shaped into who I am today.
I am alive not because of some cosmic divine influence or decree but because my heart, regardless, somehow continues to contract. Contract. Contract. Relax. Contract. Relax. Contract. Relax.
Blood, red, running through my entire body because of this little fist-sized muscle that continues to contract. Relax. Beat the blood through the arteries and veins. Pulsating in my brain.
And somehow a consciousness arises.
It says, you’re special. You’re programmed to live and despite the many wishes to die you’re still here. You’re special.
Surely you missed something that I said earlier, Voice.
Words, words, words. People spend their days talking, listening, speaking, writing, reading. Their tongues and vocal cords and brains and fingers work.
They talk. They teach. They learn.
And this is how humans spend their days with each other.
Being average is still interesting.
I don’t read the bible much anymore but I still like the one scripture in the bible at Ecc 9:5 which says, “For the living know they will die but the dead do not know anything at all.” and the other scripture at Genesis 3:19 which says, “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground since from it you were taken for dust you are and to dust you shall return.” even if your not religious I think it has a significant meaning.
I don’t know why people remember the dead. They will be forgotten after generations have passed away. The average dead, I mean. Not the symbolically powerful historical figures that have raised and moved empires (and still shitted in the bathroom may I mention).
I know, there may be a few historical figures that have as you said moved empires but as for the majority no one will be remembered. I mean, people die everyday and no one really cares if it has nothing to do with their world. All we do is eat, sleep, excrement, repeat. Not like anything we do matters in the long run.
I don’t want to stroke your ego, but I would wager your IQ is probably above average. Just by the way you write.
The IQ type of intelligence is not my strength. It requires a more complex and objective and logical perspective. 1/1 is about the best mathematical concept I can manage to explain coherently. Linguistical intelligence might be more what you’re talking about.
But then here we go again… nitpicking.
And… for the wise is better than the foolish, but what use is wisdom since both the wise and the fool suffer the same fate?
i think it’s just the times. I think humans probably haven’t thought in this way very long — not most anyway.
Growing up in this time, it’s all about ego. me me me i i i i. so special etc.
As an adult I realize more and more how unimportant egos really are. That all the stuff that makes you special isn’t really anything at all. We all eat, brreathe, sleep, shit, etc.
The difference is merely dress. It’s the clothes we wear. It;s the way we walk. It’s our behaviors. We’re all the same, but human society depends on these subtle differences to arrange its hierarchy.
From an outside perspective the world famous millionaire touring the globe in his private jet is no more special than the tribesman deep in the amazon jungle hunting monkeys for food.
Does either care about the other? This whole idea of special is just a silly cultural invention. Don’t get fooled into believing it has any importance.
You’re not special. You’re the same as every other life form on this planet. An ego is like a social media profile in your brain. It;s just a game you play to satisfy your base social desires.
Sorry if i got off topic. Just letting my thoughts fly. Everyone wants to be the hero of their own story. again it;s just a cultural fantasy that;s come from this egotistical age. I think for most of human history people were content to be a part of this family, of this village, of this faith, etc. and did not concern themselves with being “special.”