I wait for the day I can rest my head
Upon my pillow and hear nothing
But the sounds of my breath and smalls whines
Of my dog on my bed,
The systematic heaving of my chest
Up and down without any ounce
Of pain festering within my lungs
And heart in my breast.
I look forward to the day when
Everything is calm and the trees are withered,
The fog of my breath is natural and free
Not strangulated anymore, until then
I will wait for the second I can
See clearly without any tears shrouding my
Vision. No more screams haunting
Every dream that I’ve hid in the van.
No more sadness or watching you hurt,
and if we have too we can go together.
It can be easy if you want.
I’m not ready to lose ourselves just yet.
1 comment
its good you have a goal and vision in mind, it will make it easier to achieve. you will get yor serene calm day. i promise that one day you will be able to breathe and smile and be okay with the occurences of said day. for now, try small things, such as “im going to listen to this music even though someone did smth that made me mad” or make a routine that calms you down. like read for 15 min everyday or go on walks every day. remember to stay hydrated, eat well, and get rest.