Today is the day where I leave this Earth. I’m cleaning my room, leaving important things in easy to find places, and I’m writing my death note I had saved on Microsoft Word. I’m packing a bag filled with paper, pen, memorabilia, rope, and alcohol. I’m going to find a tree with my name on it, and call it home. I’ll be ready to leave in an hour. After I leave, I don’t plan on coming back. I know if I keep postponing this, I may never do it. There’s always a chance I will get scared and back out, but I doubt that will happen. If I don’t respond to this post within the next 5 hours, then…well…….you know.
best of luck
but hope to see you in 5 hours
I hope you find what you’re looking for. Just be absolutely certain that you want to do this. Ideally, you should have no doubts. Also, I wouldn’t recommend hanging. It’s a fickle thing.
Regardless, like I said, I hope you find what you’re looking for.
Please don’t do this. I understand the urge, but… you are in a dark place. Have you spoken to people about how you feel?
Take care. You are valuable. People will be shattered.
I’ll see you, maybe in Hell, maybe in Heaven. I will cry for you, the tears that will never come from your eyes. My prayers for your soul and your family.
Welp….I just could’t do it. I stood there with a blanket sheet wrapped tightly around my neck. All I had to do was let my legs relax a little bit, and gently pass out, so I could sleep forever…..but I just couldn’t do it. That was my 1st ever attempt, and even though I was so sure I was going to go through with it….I didn’t. Not sure why….will I try again tomorrow? I never took down the noose, in case I wanted to try.
Aw shoot, how cool is this? I was just posting you a comment and here you are reporting yourself safe!
Welcome back. And forget that crap. Shoot me an email will ya? adiel1987mar at gmail
@zZNo LuvZz – hey man/girl, don’t do this… Actually, if you did it and lived, that is great!
If you backed out of it in the nick of time, well good! You didn’t fail. More like your instinct to live is stronger than your desire to die. Whatever the reason, death isn’t the answer you need at this time.
Come on, I mean, whether we ask the question or not, life will inevitably answer with death in due time when it’s our time. I hope you come back here to tell us you’re safe.
Glad ya didn’t, I’ve been reading your stuff all week.