i would love the release of going to hell. at the very least i would no longer care about social situations, so my anxiety would be released. no more depression. no more anxiety. no more shitty friends and family. just pain. the bittersweet release, i shudder just thinking of it.
but do i deserve release?
maybe i deserve the hell on earth more than i do hell in hell.
I’m not sure of this, but the current view is that if we have a hellish afterlife experience it does involve emotional pain. We must work through it there if we don’t work through it here, or so they say
tbh i don’t bieve that bullshit, just more things to discourage people killing themselves.
all my pain has to do with other people judging me, but nobody will care in hell. everyone will still be concerned with their own pain.
I’m sure hell in hell is better than the hell here on earth. If only there was a way to cummunicate back and forth from over there
I wish that too that we could communicate back and forth
I also think hell in hell is etter than hell on earth, althoug i doubt we will still say that when we finally arrived. i think eternal torture wihtout a second of rest will make us lose our mind. And indeed there will be no judgment from others, but we will disgust and hate ourself for all eternity. But i think it’s still better than hell on earth: i’ll never have to hoep for thngs, never get disappointed agian, never fail again, never feel that others hate me for the things i did wrong, just beeing punished for what i did wrong without the pain of hope and failing int he eyes o others. I realy want ot be there.