what will people remember me for?
i know most of my classmates (may their bullying asses get dragged to hell with me) will probably just remember me for being the standard “edgy” stereotype because i always wear a hood
but what about my family?
will they remember the atrocities i commited, the sins?
or will they remember me before i was depressed? the child who was happy.
if i passed away, how many people would remember me even next year?
ill be honest with myself and you: it’s a single digit number(and even then, who knows? maybe everyone would have forgotten about me, and ill pass from this earth with the same amount of patheticness that i stay alive with.)
Your family would remember everything about you. Memories are not limited to one certain time or event. Memories are a multitude of events. Yes, there might not be many who will remember you. That’s the same case for me. But most are meant to be forgotten. People die, and people move on.
I should also mention that people are never truly ‘forgotten’ in the eyes of loved ones. People just learn how to live after the death of a loved one.
Why do you expect to end up in hell? I feel the same, i will also end up there. and of course the ones that bullied you will be there too because they brought you to this stage. if you want to talk you can always email me: stefan at deds.nl
i don’t know where, but i read that murderers and suicide commuters generally end up in hell.