“Everybody is not supposed to be in our life forever. If you don’t get rid of the wrong friends you will never meet the right friends.”
I Like to tell myself that I should move on and forget about the friends I no longer have. I suck at keeping friends, I have a good relationship with my close friends and then eventually we become distant; I end up feeling too fucked up to do anything about it. Instead, I just call them the wrong friends. Fuck it.
Yea its a pretty much endless cycle. Make friends, invest time and energy. Driift apart. Start over with new friends. Most of the time it doesn’t even seem like its worth the effort. I hate that drifting apart period though. Once it gets to that stage, i usually pick a fight with them, and tell them to go fuck themselves. Quicker and easier that way rather than trying to hold on. More closure in burning bridges i guess.
Maybe some people stay friends for decades because they keep getting back in touch even after they think they’ve drifted apart, and they forgive one another when they’ve offended each other (much like what many of us do with our family members). Idk.
I suppose that works for some people. I wouldn’t know. I haven’t had any friends like that, and probably wouldn’t want any. I figure if I haven’t talked to a friend in over a month. That friend isn’t really any meaningful part of my life. No reason to keep pretending they are a friend. Like all those fakebook “friends” we all have but never really talk to.
I’m so sick of it at this moment. I can’t even fully describe how sick of it I am without being an incoherent mess. This literally happens with everyone I meet. You’re right. Fuck it.