Do you believe in the saying that “nice guys finish last”? Obviously not *all* evil people get ahead and not *all* nice people don’t make it, but it seems like nice people don’t tend to be as successful as bad people.
I’m so tired of seeing the few good people either get nowhere in life, or get taken advantaged of and preyed upon, and all the shitty evil people get ahead in life.
Again, not *all* but I definitely see a trend. Nice, good people get trampled on and the shitty people do the trampling- and get rewarded for it.
Well it only seems logical for that to be true. If you have a competition, and one person (the good person) puts limits on what they are willing to do to get ahead or suceed. Competing against the evil person who does not have those limits and is willing to do anything to win. All other things being equal, who is more likely to win?
anhedonic apathy – Well said !
The people who have less inhibitions, less constraints, and thus take more risks, win.
Another way to look at it would be that the so called “evil” people are better adapted to this egocentric world than the “nice guys”. They fit into the mold easier, kind of like the bad guy from Terminator 2. They are able to be whatever the job/relationship/people want them to be – they tell people what they want to hear. So, they get the promotions, the girls, and ahead.
“Evil” guys milk/manipulate the system better than the “nice guys”, who are held behind by their idealistic views. They study the system for flaws and take whatever ethically/morally deprived actions it takes to get ahead.
It’s hard to get to the top without a degree of ruthlessness.
But it’s also hard to stay in the middle without internalizing conventional morality to some extent. So smart evil people end up running the country. Dumb evil people end up in prison.
Good people have already won the match by being good and not giving into.
Evil is learnt and is not the true nature of universe so no matter how successful they seem they’re down a bad path as we know it and so does the universe. Bad things to good people happen because of evil people, if you’re not evil we will do you bad…it’s that way to me, otherwise the good ones are greater than the bad ones.
For getting ahead in life, one does not need to be bad. I have examples of great good people who possesing good value managed to reach the top and are genuinely happier than evil successful people.
Ane the most important thing is they know that they’re bad and the nice ones—– they know they’re good.
Just talking about people I know, I’ve actually seen several mean people end up suffering later in life and have known several nice people who were quite successful (mean and nice being subjective, of course). I agree that people who became successful by working their way up, as opposed to trading in stocks or inheriting money, we’re definitely willing to take more risks, accept failure, and work really hard, often making extremely difficult decisions.
Two other things that I have noticed to a great extent:
1. People convince themselves that they can’t do anything to get ahead or to make a difference in the world. They defeat themselves on the inside before they even try on the outside.
2. There is no such thing as security. No matter how much money and success a person has, no matter how brilliant they are, no matter how much they’ve saved, it can disappear in the blink of an eye.
Or to put it another way, people too often assume they are locked into their position in life. That if they’re a failure they will stay a failure and if they are successful they will remain successful. I have found that to be a complete delusion.
*were, not we’re (dang it, once again I used voice to text and failed to go back and correct all the mistakes)
Of course. Any strategy of operation within a game will have some vulnerability, which according to the nature of life will be exploited by other organisms who have identified this vulnerability and who, in the case of sentient beings, have no ego hindrances to interfere with exploiting it.