It has been 6 months since I broke up with my first love. She was my FIRST LOVE the first person the first girl I ever looked at in the eye, the first girl I let cry on my shoulders, the first one I shared an umbrella with, the only name I ever scratched on my desk. I can’t forget the day she told me that she liked me. I remember that day as it was yesterday….we had a fight….I told her things I shouldnt have….texted her that I didn’t want to see her face again and bid a farewell.She called me a few hours later…..she was crying.She told me something I shall never forget no matter how much I drink. I couldn’t sleep that night, her sweet words rang in my ears all night. And so our friendship blossomed into love.All went smooth for some time. Then one day she told me that she wanted no more than just friendship. The flower of love had just withered into a dead, rotten remnant of one.I felt a dull ache in my heart but convinced myself that we could make it work. That moment on the fights became more prolonged, misunderstandings more frequent, her silence more deafening. It continued for four months then she told me that she loved someone else. I couldn’t believe that. I wanted to talk with her but she wouldn’t listen. I did something wrong, I grabbed her hand a bit too hard….I just didn’t want to lose her. All our friends saw that. She got everyone convinced that I was abusing her and that justified the breakup. Ever since then my friends wont let me get near her, they wont talk to me on that matter, feels like I have been forsaken by all my friends. I took to smoking. That really didn’t help. I have tried suicide but never managed to go beyond writing the suicide note part and waiting at a railway station seeing trains go by……”Thats ones too slow it would hurt” or ” There are too many people here, if someone realises what i am up to before I can jump, they will lock me up in a mental asylum”. I couldn’t sleep at night so I experimented with Benzodiazepines to get sleep. Now I am addicted to lorazepam. I cannot live a day without at least 4 mg of that stuff. If I can’t get it my whole body aches especially my head. It feels as if I have no skull and that with every movement my brains are sloshing around inside…. I have lost my appetite almost completely. I have stopped being the functional human being I used to be 6 months ago. I don’t know how long it will last. It feels like what Vincent van Gogh said “la tristesse durera toujours” – The sadness will last forever………..It’s all fucking sick! She doesn’t even know about what I go through each day. If share my feelings with my friends about committing suicide they feel that I am emotionally blackmailing them. Int it ironical that I couldn’t sleep that night when she told me she loved me and now when she is somewhere far away happy with someone else , I still can’t sleep at night. I guess benzodiazepines don’t work at night though they can me sleep though the day. Something there is that enjoys seeing me cry silently at night! Every time I cross a busy street I wish to be run over by a car or bus, each time I go to the train station I want to jump on the tracks but I don’t want to bear the guilt although I know that I would be dead but I don’t like the idea of anyone calling me irresponsible as to never think of the sorrow I cause to my parents. I can’t choose between the guilt of death and the suffering of life. Its all fucking sick!! I guess I will be better dead than what I am now. My arms bear testimony to the ghastliness of my harrowed existence. And moreover, the world would be a happier place if all the sad people were to go………..right??
I’m sorry that things didn’t work out. However, just because she’s the first, doesn’t mean that she’ll be the last or the best. Also, there was a reason why you told her those things and broke it off. You wouldn’t have done so if everything was perfect and she was “the one”. Anyway, I think you should try to get clean. Your addiction will severely hamper you to move on. O and without sadness there would be no happiness, so I don’t agree with your final statement.
I wish you the best of luck. I hope you find a forward, regardless of what you choose to do.
Sorry, *”I hope you find a way forward”.
Thank you for the advice…..
I am really trying to quit. I have quit smoking. Good thing that ciggarettes dont leave with withdrawal symptoms but benzodiazepines do. Its been very hard trying to quit lorazepam. The withdrawal symptoms are reall really harsh. You can see for yourself on the internet. But I am trying…..thanks for your wishes. Hope that I succeed in quitting.
Very well written post, liked it a lot. Feels like a strange thing to say considering how dark your story is, but you’re good at writing. Perhaps that’s a tendency for us, mentally ill people, to be able to express ourselves vividly in words and art…
Anyway, I know your pain. I’ve fallen in love oh so many times, and it’s always been so difficult, because there have never been a single time that it was mutual. Except, for one time. Rather recently actually, it was during 2016. It never went beyond theory and talk, but basically she said that she was “interested” from day 1 of meeting me, but that I never got her flirting hints so she never went forward with it. And by the time she told me all this, she was kind of… Unsure as to wether she wanted to move forward with it or not. She was beautiful and interesting, almost like a dream girl. So the fact that she was seeminly interested made me happy beyond measure. It was like I finally found love. Yet… It didn’t end up so well. While she was busy being unsure, I became more and more obsessed with her. One evening we spent some time talking about this, and I basically for the first time told her about my growing feelings for her. Just as I had mustred up the courage to say it, and said it – she had to leave, and run to the bus. She never “answered” my feelings that evening. I was left in a state of complete and utter chaos, a mental breakdown of sorts.
I was unable to get a hold of her on her phone or anything, it was like she didn’t want to give me a clear answer of wether she was interested enough to move forward with it or not. That evening I ran home, beating my fists against concrete walls, wishing I had the courage to step out on the trainrail… As soon as I got home, I took out the kitchen knife and started cutting my arms like mad. Before this, I had never hurt myself before. I ended up calling a cab, and by midnight I was hospitalized in an emergency psych ward with 15-min surveilance on me, to prevent self-harm/suicide. I was also put on some mild sedative, but it hardly helped.
After that it just went downhill. I wrote extremely long messages to her, constantly trying to get some kind of clear answer out from her, but to no avail. It never got anywhere, and a few months after this we lost contact alltogether. I think it’s more complex than I make it out to be – and I certainly do not put any blame on her for all this. She was probably just as much of a victim in all this as I was. In the end, these series of events marked the start of me getting the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Before this I basically just had depression, but after this the symptoms of BPD began to become very evident. I had many of those symptoms before, but in more subtle ways.
Love is really painful. Even mutual, happy love will/can eventually end up in despair. Sooner or later one will lose all their loved ones, and one will stare blindly out of the window from their rotting cabin. “Ubi sunt qui ante nos fuerunt”, “where are those who came before us”… Now, this doesn’t mean you won’t ever find love if you want it. You can certainly find love and be satisfied with it, but in that case you would need to work on your ability to cope with the emotional hardships that come with searching for love. Therapy might help with that. There are a lot of self-help groups when it comes to addiction to drugs, you could try going to one of those if you want help getting out of the addiction. There is always hope. I won’t paint up some bright future ahead of you, there might not be one, but you can most certainly learn to cope with the hardships that come with living. Best wishes.
I read somewhere that ” whats worse than being forsaken by someone you love is not getting an explanation from their part” makes you feel so worthless that you dont even deserve an explanation. Its very painful.
please stop cutting yourself and trying to do suicide. Does it ever worry you….the consequences of what can happen if you have a messed up suicide attempt?
You are saying that you were put on surveillance but that was for a short while.
Repeated attempts may see you locked up endlessly. I suggest you read “Ward No.6” by Anton Chekov. It really narrates how horrific getting locked up in a mental asylum can be. Read the book.
I hope that recover soon from BPD.
Cooperate with your counsellor.
Life has been really harsh for you and the only time it seemed to be any good it turned out to be a torture by hope!.
Dont worry thinks will change….if you have the patience to wait and see.
Wish you all the love that I can wish for myself.
Dude just how old are you? If you’re young then you still habe your life ahead of you. Trust me, you habe it lucky if you’re still below 20. You can still make new friends and do something about your life. Take it from 31 year old me who has lost it all. 20 below isn’t the end of everything. You’re just starting on your journey.
Yeah, you’re right I am well below twenty. I still have a long life ahead of me considering average human life expectancy in this part of the world is around 75 years……I dont know if thats a good thing or bad. From my point of view it feels that there is too much of pain and too long an age to carry it along
It’s not the end of the world for your age to be honest. You get to meet new people, have fun with your friends, get the support of your friends, family and loved ones and forget about the pain that you’ve suffered. You still have life ahead of you since you’re still developing.
Studies actually show that by their teens people are actually “socially promiscious” that is they have many contacts and friends. It’s by the time they reach 25-30 that the number of contacts and friends steadily drop (facebook friends obciously dont count) and you are limited to at least 10-20 people who you can talk to. It seems human beings are designed to gather and select as much as you can when young and then weed out people when you’re older in the process. Your core social foundation starts in your teens.
So for it to lose it all when you’re 30 above hurts the most because you will feel lonely and isolated. Trust me, you have your life ahead of you when you’re below 20 and you will forget about the pain of losing your gf when time goes by because you will still have the support of people around you.
Yeah, you are right perhaps. Maybe things will get back to normal once i get over this addiction.Thanks for your advice and concern. Anyway do you mind me asking whats your story??. If it is on this site sent me the link please. Thank you once again!!Take care!
Hi Black Monk, my story can be found here:
I dont know if this comment will be posted as the page automatically moderates posts that have links on them but I hope it does post it. Good luck on your life man, your journey is just starting and you will get over your girl troubles soon.
Hi Black Monk, my story can be found here:
suicideproject (dot) org / 2016 / 12 / i-feel-lost-and-broken/
The page automatically moderates posts that have links on them so just replace the dot with the actual “.” sign and do away with all the spaces when you put the url on your briwser. Also good luck on your life man, your journey is just starting and you will get over your girl troubles soon. You’re going to look behind when you get older and you’ll just realize some people weren’t worth the time and investment. Who knows, you might even become a success while she won’t. Good luck on your journey. Don’t forget to leave a comment on the page when you have the time to read it.
Thank you!