I guess that I got the impression that depression was a 24/7 thing. I thought that it would be a dull pain always there. I guess I didn’t get the memo. Every day is good. Every day is fine. Then I feel my insides twisting and turning. I feel my heart clenching. My mind goes to rock bottom and my image in the mirror becomes uglier and more hateful by the second. Waves upon waves of this sadness come and go. My life is like the ocean. One minute is the calm, the sun is shining, birds are flying, and the world is happy. Then the storm hits. Everything is flipped left, right, up, down, until I’m drowned in sadness. Fear and anger grip at me for believing that everything was fine. Then, after I walk out of my room, everything is fine again. The storm had passed and I wait for the next day.
1 comment
1 comment
Think it varies by person. I usually get waves too.