What is there to talk about. To write requires some real content. To live in a shallow mindset, guided by past mind habits and memories, is pathetic, especially when you know and are aware of it. The world has nothing to offer to my self. Nihilism is a fact for people with reason. It is only forgetfulness and non-linear/non-continuous nature of human memory that makes most people neglect it. They derive enough juice from that gap, from that non-reasonable part of life.
But what am I talking? Time is the real culprit. It makes things happen. Whoever invented time is the master-maker. The Mara, the Devil, the Illusionist. There is a dialogue in movie Kung Fu Hustle – ‘In the world of Kung Fu, whoever masters speed is the winner.’ It was there that the concept of time stuck me. To master speed means to master time. It is not to make yourself quick, it is to be in such a state that the world appears to be moving in slow motion. Like this scene. When he gains masterhood, to him his enemies appear to be moving in slow motion. That’s exactly from where he gets his speed and power, and appears wondrous to other people.
There I go again. Losing the substance in theories. Maybe I still have strings attached to the world, maybe I also get some juice from it, sweet or bitter. But it will be over sometime, will it not? The wine will saturate, the cup will overflow and be empty. It’s a play anyway.
A fun fact: Within next 100 years, 6 billion people will die.
1 comment
We’re all nihilists. The ones with the brains just know it much more than those without. Some like to pretend they’re not, because nihilism sounds just ghastly. Ghastly or not, it is what it is.