Robigson, I’m not trying to be funny, especially at your expense. I get what you’re saying. For some, being social is easy. For others, like me, it is the most difficult thing in the world, and it causes frustration that builds slowly, over time. Some might believe that it’s as easy as “just getting off your butt and going out and meeting people”, but not everyone can do that. I hear what you’re saying, man, and I understand. Every time I’m out in public, watching couples, and friends living life and looking happy, and I am alone, every day, I wonder what the fuck is wrong, that I can’t even talk to a stranger, that I have to stay trapped inside myself, sheltered and hidden, rotting away. I get what you’re saying, even though others might think it’s ridiculous. It isn’t ridiculous.
Mine is practically the opposite. People distract me from my true purpose of learning with their bullshit, ya know? Like I’m always hearing some ***** talking. I have put my true purpose on hold because there is too much boring fucking droning commotion going on at all times. The only way I could accomplish my true purpose would be alone in the woods hundred miles from town. I put it on hold and distract myself with cheap shit like annoyed cigarettes and bored beer. I know I could accomplish so much if I wasn’t so disturbed by what goes on around me.
That’s no reason to kill yourself
Is there an approved list of reasons??
Robigson, I’m not trying to be funny, especially at your expense. I get what you’re saying. For some, being social is easy. For others, like me, it is the most difficult thing in the world, and it causes frustration that builds slowly, over time. Some might believe that it’s as easy as “just getting off your butt and going out and meeting people”, but not everyone can do that. I hear what you’re saying, man, and I understand. Every time I’m out in public, watching couples, and friends living life and looking happy, and I am alone, every day, I wonder what the fuck is wrong, that I can’t even talk to a stranger, that I have to stay trapped inside myself, sheltered and hidden, rotting away. I get what you’re saying, even though others might think it’s ridiculous. It isn’t ridiculous.
Do you have a job at the moment? What do you work as?
I am looking for a new job, I lost my old job recently. I was a bus driver.
I don’t work atm. Do you live alone?
Mine is practically the opposite. People distract me from my true purpose of learning with their bullshit, ya know? Like I’m always hearing some ***** talking. I have put my true purpose on hold because there is too much boring fucking droning commotion going on at all times. The only way I could accomplish my true purpose would be alone in the woods hundred miles from town. I put it on hold and distract myself with cheap shit like annoyed cigarettes and bored beer. I know I could accomplish so much if I wasn’t so disturbed by what goes on around me.
You don’t like people?
So what is your true purpose?