You know what’s amazes me. Knowing that we have control over ourselves yet not actually having control. I personally feel this way everyday. There’s always multiple decisions i have to make everyday I’m alive and sometimes I knowingly choose the wrong choice. I choose to stay up late despite knowing it’s gonna affect how i feel the next day, I choose pizza over a healthier option, I choose to waste time on YouTube over getting some fresh air, I choose to cower from silly fears despite knowing how illogical the fear is, etc and yet I have total control. I chose not go out today, nobody was stopping me but myself. I let a negative voice get the best of me and for that I suffer. The older i get the more I’m beginning to realize that I shouldn’t care what people think of me so much and I’m getting to the point where I’ve had enough of such childish fears. I’m sicken tired of getting in my own way. Why should I waste my life trapped inside all day everyday? That’s insanity! I won’t do this anymore. I’m changing NOW! No more cowering from irrational fears!
This is because you, or at least what you consider “you” (your conscious self), doesn’t do any of the choosing, it only thinks it does. There is no free will, science knows this.
While you may be technically right, I don’t think that’s a useful truth to be telling someone at the point where they’ve decided to sort their shit out. Although our conscious ‘selves’ aren’t in the driving seat, the brain’s determination to produce change is real, and is subject to outside influence.