I’ve partly been listening to songs that I try to listen to to get into a good mindset so if I do the deed that I can think of those/listen to those. Some for getting over fear of death like Don’t Fear the Reaper. Others I listen to that I just listen to because they fit how I’m feeling. Five Finger Death Punche’s Wash It All Away has got me crying at the chorus. You’ll probably understand if you listen to it.
What are some songs/music that are therapuetic for you?
written by Johnsmith8611
Not rock. I do listen to it but only a few of these will be rock as im currently in the mood for softer music
Inner demons-julia brennan
You’ll be ok- micheal idk
You don’t know- katelyn tarver
Never too late- three days grace
Waiting game- parson james
Edge of heaven- marc broussard
Three- sleeping at last
Already gone- sleeping at last (this is the song i wanna send to my loved ones when i commit suicide)
Hurt- james arthur
Antitodote- faith marie
Knocking on heavens door- antony and the johnsons
Actually just in general antony and the johnsons
Tomorrow- drew holcomb’s and the neigbors
Oh. And
Six feet from the edge- creed
Thats a great song
Billie Eilish and Gnash 🙂 very calming
A song that always helps remind me how I’d like to die: Loaded Shotgun in the Closet by Drive-By Truckers. To me, it represents a tender but very sad lady who leads a relatively empty life – but suffers through it because she has nothing other than someone she loves and loves her. But he is very busy and can’t always devote 100% of himself to her and she finds herself alone almost all of the day until he comes home to her with nothing but his problems from his life outside of her and he knows how lonely and sad and empty she feels while he is away. To me it represents that he understands that she may become enveloped in this melancholy so he leaves her with the shotgun in the closet in case she is unable to handle the complete emptiness and listlessness from the bleakness of her life. It describes her day as waking up and cooking him eggs just to kiss him goodbye like a loving wife, which leaves her only alone to stare out the window with a cup of coffee with nothing other but herself. Until he comes home much much latter with nothing but a curse on his lips. But you can tell he loves her because he understands how deep her pain is and how he can’t fill the empty spaces in her life, so he leaves her the shotgun in case she can’t bear it.
To me it is really romantic because it is just a really soft and melodic ballad and that he could love her that much so that he gives her the choice so that she doesn’t have to live with this pain once it completely envelops her. Even if that means he has to lose the one he loves.
It just shows that you can’t always mend broken people and he couldn’t be everything she needed although she could only ever love him even if someone else could give her more meaning, but at least he isn’t forcing her to live devoid of emotion when the pain becomes too much. I mean I guess he shows his understanding of her deep deep pain and knows how to “take it all away,” but leaves it in the closet knowing it is up to her to choose when or if she will use it.