Once it was more unfamiliar to me to visit this Page. It was like a Sanctuary. Pretty decent like the last resort. The Place to set-in what would cause you trouble in social life if you had somewhere else. To plee the last time before the own set-up is getting one’s life over and end.
Basically, it is just Facebook now as it started. The end of was horrifying.
What specifically changed to make you feel like this?
Probably the frequent of Entries. But also likewise the close connection of some who blatantly had to use an Post to Connect to each other, User2User dedicated Posts.
To begin with I never came across of that Poetry or the Video’s. They seem so advertising to me.
I hear Facebook is going into decline. That’s going to be one doozy of a fall, if that’s true. If Facebook collapses, and SP is like dark-Facebook, maybe dark-Facebook will become the next hip thing everybody’s doing.