Last 6 month were extremely stressful for my own experience, and a lot of fears or other worries of mine, have re-appeared.
I have started playing idiotic games on the computer in purpose of escaping reality. I have ditched my studies and fell down in the final exams.
In my own perspective the last experience was harsh enough to deduct my self esteem and many other aspects. Now I have to deal with the consequences and find solutions.
So what is my plan?
Well first – slowly accept the idea of harsh reality, and tough problems.
While doing the first step, I am also coping with my urges of “running away from the reality” – and instead , I am dealing with my own problems by staying focus on DOING the solution.
In addition, I have brought back few habits that I have seen helping me progress,
|||| I shall state that the progress I have seen, wasn’t indicated by me, but was indicated by outside perception, OR, how people see me, and how good am I functioning in many aspects of life [ example: social places, friendships, hobbies, work place, self hygen, doing sports, eating habits and so on…] . ||||
helping me progress, as such: reading a book (thus increasing my ability to read, I have dyslexia), working out casually (helps fighting depression or sadness, more time around people so feeling less lonely, and creating better physics thus helping increase positive feedback by people around), expressing my self more loud and more often (as for: asking questions in class, taking a step to talk with friends, making conversation with anyone that I can think of).
In addition, in order to deal with the sadness and loss that I feel due to recent events, I decided to both write down my thoughts, and play the guitar and sing more often. Thus, I have a healthy way of expressing my feelings. I hope to achieve further on, a more open mind set, and perhaps be able to talk about my feelings with close people to me.
I have shared with you this personal note. I hope it can help you, or at least make you feel it was worth reading it.
If so, you are more than welcome to comment and show me that there are people out here.
Stay strong, Be brave,
Yours, Jac.
Thats awesome! I can relate so much. All my life I have been escaping throughout video games (4000+ hours on league of legends… damn) and weed (last 2 years smoking daily). I have been just going to school, surviving there and then getting high and playing games… I don´t wanna quit weed and games all together coz I really love these things but I am trying to do them less and do them because I enjoy doing it and not as a way to escape reality. I am also trying to socialize more, currently trying to pursue my first ever relationship (scared or girls shitless…) Most importantly, I think, I am trying to change my mindset and outlook on things. I am trying to acknowledge that I am in charge of my life and act that way. I am trying to stop despising myself and hating myself. I am trying to consciously catch myself when Im spiraling down a stream of bad thoughts. And when I relapse I am trying to not hate myself for it. Good luck to you man! We both can do this!
I think your ideas for coping are excellent! I miss your emails. Please write to me if you want.
Good for you bro! I haven’t quite found a good coping mechanism. All I’ve got is the fictional world of comic books and a few videogames. Continue to make good progress! You are a better dude than I.