So often I feel like I’m sloshing through muddy thoughts and I just want something, someplace new to clear the water.
Today I want to walk into the darkest cave and never say goodbye. I kinda want to be told to stay but I don’t want to say goodbye or tell them to ask; that defeats the cause.
This makes zero sense, maybe someone understands what I mean. It’s difficult to explain when my brain isn’t working.
I want you to stay… <3 🙂
🙂 thanks. I know it’s silly.
I think I kinda know what you mean maybe. It’s almost like when you’re in an unfulfilling relationship, and you “test” your partner by heading for the door. Maybe you’re really trying to get away, or maybe you just want your partner to say “don’t go” and prove that someone cares about you. I dunno. In cases like this, if nobody say “don’t go” I usually go and never look back. It leads to relief sometimes, but it also leads to isolation and regret sometimes. And yea if you’re talking symbolically about suicide, everything I said still applies.