The cuts were too deep,
The scars will never fade.
Some are physical and can be covered up, but some are so ingrained into the soul that they can’t be hidden.
Nothing will ever go back to “normal” when it’s been destroyed so thoroughly. It’s time to stop trying.
Normal isn’t what you want anyways. Not with their blind idealistic ways and depthless smiles.
Stay crazy.
1 comment
I don’t think there ever was normal in this world. What the masses call normal is just joining the mindless collective that lost their souls and they live in a pretend world of materialism and escape. Ive been there as I medicated myself with drugs and alcohol and pretended life was a dream. Then I woke up. Being in reality really sucks but I just couldn’t pretend anymore. I have taken life for what it is and it ain’t pretty. I believe you would have to be batshit crazy to want to actually live in this world. I know Im still here for a reason but still have no idea what that is and like that old woman said in the movie The Stand “Im just doing the will of God and I don’t like it much”.