In my dream, you asked if I was dreaming. “You’re experiencing hell in reality.” I couldn’t remember if I spoke. What is hell? Your skin was blue, and from a fish to a spider to a blue man, you told me to wake up.
In another dream, someone tried to cut off my head, leaving s scab that looped around my neck, like a choker.
In the last dream, they finally cut off my head. I jumped out onto the blade, asking for it. I tried to keep my head near my body with my shoulder, my brain felt cold, and of course, I couldn’t speak anymore. Blinking was still possible. It took a long time for me to die in that dream.
Very vivid. I wonder what you felt when you woke up? I had one similar once… someone was making me choose on a card, out of 4 options, what i felt as they sliced me throat and i bled out. I hate nightmares, shake up my whole day. I hope you are doing ok.
I felt confused, but at the same time, I wish I had died, after enduring that strange detached sensation.
Also, the website seems to be running into some issues, I can’t check people’s profiles anymore. Is this happening to you as well?