I heard something, that I shouldn’t have. That’s all it took and now I want to rage quit on life. I guess we bury it so deep, that it’s not even visible to us, until someone else reminds us. It’s 4:32 am and I want to self harm. The harm’s already in my head afterall. Why couldn’t I get upset at a more convenient time. Now I have no one to talk to.
That’s happened to me more than once. Heard people I thought were my friends laughing about me behind my back. I hope you’re doing better now. Just breathe through it and remind yourself that it doesn’t matter. Then bury it deep and move on. You’re always welcome to mail me if you need to talk. Sectoralindices@gmail.com
Emergency compartmentalization, that’s what you need to do, and here is how;
imagine you gather all materials related to the event, and put them in a box. Consider the box, should be sturdy, then put that box on the imaginary shelf. It’s safe there, until you have more resources to devote to processing it.
Now, if/when thoughts come up, memories, you stick them in that box. Eventually you’ll have to deal with it, but the middle of the night and alone isn’t going to be the best time.
What can you do to get to sleep? That’s the thing to do, especially when life is overwhelming. Glass of warm milk? calming shows or movies? maybe a really slow paced game?
All else fails; lay down and imagine a point to focus on. I usually focus on a small boat, and then devote my imagination to the outfitting of it. Nothing else is, but whatever object you focus on, do that for about 30 minutes and you should be able to get to sleep. Some people do a candle or a tree, you get the idea; something simple.
If you can’t sleep at all, find something to occupy yourself with until morning. I’ll be back to check if there’s any other way I can help.