Hello 🙂
Im not here to vent but instead share my story in the hope that i might be able to help you if you need it.
During the past three years i’ve been incredibly depressed and suicidal. I used drugs in an attempt to numb the pain but instead i came out of my addiction with more trauma than before. I went to extreme lengths to numb myself to avoid truly feeling the overwhelming feelings that i knew might swallow me.
However despite all that i’m still here today and doing better than ever.
Thats not to say i’m happy, i still crave drugs but i’m 10 months sober. i still have days where i’m feeling depressed but i don’t want to die all the time. i still crave chaos and numbness, but i’m able to using coping mechanisms to avoid acting on those impulses. I just want you to know that things really can get better. I know it’s a cliche and i hated hearing it i get it but i know first hand that it CAN get better.
You deserve happiness and love. you don’t deserve any of the bad things that (may) have happened to you. i’m sorry you’re struggling but please hang on, things can get better for you.
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