I was on my laptop and my algebra teacher told everyone to close their computers. I did not. he called my name and said CLOSE YOUR COMPUTER. He said aloud so the whole class could hear “this is your third warning and see class I should not have to give you 3 warnings.” uuggghh no actually you stupid fuck it was my first warning. You teach algebra for fucks sake, you should know how much 3 is. (Obviously I didn’t say that.) So I open up my computer just to finish the quiz I was working on from another class real quick. He yells at me and says “GET OUT, LEAVE!” I open my mouth to respond and he says “DON’T ARGUE BACK!” I said ok. I grabbed my bad and computer. I heard him saying something about how he doesn’t want me in his class and how he’s going to write me up. Then I snapped and said “DON’T YELL AT ME”. He said “THATS IT IM WRITING YOU UP!” At this point I’m so pissed and I opened the door before. Before I left I said “WRITE ME UP, I DON’T GIVE A SHIT!” Anyways I was already having an anxious day and he made it 10 times worse.
What is the deal with K-12 math teachers, why are they so terrible?
Fun fact, I took algebra, basic algebra at least five times. The second time was because I changed schools. The third time was because the second teacher kept putting me to sleep, I don’t remember my first go round in college but the fifth time I passed sufficient to advance
The irony here being I don’t think I’m a bad math student. Both math specific major courses I took I got As on, and I still think about the stuff I learned in them.
It really makes me sad, people having to deal with math teachers that don’t have the time or ability to adapt to individual needs. So much that is wrong with the world would be solved by a basic understanding of statistics and logic, both of which need math!
The thing is im really good at math. Your right, its these damn teachers.
“What is the deal with K-12 math teachers, why are they so terrible?”
–>It’s not just math teachers, it’s ALL teachers in the USA. It’s bc they get paid shit wages, they’re not provided with adequate school supplies for the students, they are told what they can and cannot teach, and in what way, they are forced to teach stuff they know is bullshit and useless. Oh yeah, and the fact that 90% of all teachers really are crap.
the good teachers quit, leaving the shitty and inexperienced and unqualified ones. There’s a massive teacher shortage across the US. Is there a teacher shortage in the UK? Italy? The rest of Europe? Nope. Just the good ol’ USA, bc we choose to pay teachers crap salaries, so what intelligent person will stay in the profession?, America has repeatedly chosen NOT to prioritize education.
Look at other countries. For ex, any East Asian country. Education is deeply valued there, as are teachers, so they get paid well, and thus they have excellent teachers. Same goes for Israel. Same goes for all countries that value education and put money and resources into it.
Oh, and they don’t have the corruption we have. We actually are one of the top countries in terms of education funding, BUT the money gets funneled to “administrators,” all that money leaching out leaving none for the teachers and students.
Well, there’s a lot more to it than that but this post is getting way too long. Oh, also the curriculum we are taught is all bullshit.
The above is for ALL subjects, not just math.
The American Educational System is a joke.
Either missed or forgot a few sources of the problem, but placement of funding is definitely part of it
Growing up, I thought I might like to be a teacher. I like helping people. The hours though, and the pay… It turns out you spend most of your time dealing with administrative and discipline issues. Even when you DO get to teach, more often you’re prepping for a test, not an actual dynamic development of strengths.
It’s the exact same cancer that lives on American mental health; lack of financial incentive for top performers to join the market, ample opportunity elsewhere, burnout the most common.
Most teachers I know in my home state have a second income earner who makes significantly more, they have to. Same goes for Child Welfare. I don’t know if there is a prevalence of bad teachers, or if they’re just the product of a system that doesn’t reward teaching.
It gets to part of the main issue with me. I want children. I would have to be some kind of saddist to bring them into the school system they’d go to with me living here. It’s like trying to have kids in a war zone. I was watching a video essay yesterday about the masculinity ‘crisis’, and a big part of it was men feeling ‘entitled’ to have families.
The thing is though, in terms of evolution and biology, we are brought to an understanding that our survival is only the stepping stone to the next generation. If you get to child having age without a child, the pressure is insane. We are compelled to live. As in; death is considered shameful, wasteful. Why though? if we aren’t to make more people, or teach them, to what end do we survive?
Yesterday I told the hotline person that I just wanted to sleep away the next 60 years. They said that would be a waste, in what I still think was a poorly planned plea to ego, that someone with my ability should have purpose. To which I said; “market forces, the market decides what matters”,
Anyway the tale of Rip Van Winkle was a rather cheerful story wasn’t it? Guy slept through the American Revolution, years I know I’d prefer to miss.
I did used to teach briefly so I know what the education system is like and there are many issues but pay is certainly one of them. as well as funding. and the ample funding is all siphoned away. there’s so much corruption and theft of money. this video talks a little about it:
Yes there’s a lot more than issues than just the funding and pay but that has a lot to do with it.
Yes I know what it’s like to be a teacher. I used to be one, briefly. I mentioned it in a previous comment but it’s awaiting moderation as it contains a link so it won’t show up here till later tonight or tomorrow.
There are many factors but low pay, lack of funding, lack of respect, unruly kids, harassment from parents, long hours, etc and etc. Long list of reasons why teaching in America is broken af.
Take a look at other countries. They do NOT have the problems we have here. Education is taken seriously by most nations. But not in America, which is why we have a clusterfuck of a system here.