I took like 70 pills over the span of 2 nights. (20 one night and 50 the next). I did extensive research on what does not react well with eachother and how much can kill you. I took like more than that 7 of of each kind. I took Xanax, Oxycodone, 10 of Adderall, Prozac, Lexapro, Percocet, and some others I can’t quit remember the name of them though. So why did some 13 year old get to OD on Benadryl and I was only in the ICU for three days. Im only a few years older than him. He didn’t even do it to die it was for a fucking TikTok challenge. I was doing that shit purposely to die but no, whatever godly being there is up there wouldn’t let me but he let him.
A lot of other factors going on, most likely. I know the story you’re talking about, I read it and my immediate reaction was “I’ve taken a lot more than that…. how does that work?” So…. I did some digging. In my case there are at least two major factors; weight and tolerance. It’s why ODs are so unpredictable, because weight and tolerance aren’t known constants.
To start I weigh at least twice what that kid did. Which means that the same amount of pills will lead to a lower concentration in the blood. It’s blood concentration that determines the severity of the reaction.
The other is the one I think it probably is for you; tolerance. If someone who never takes sedatives suddenly takes a lot…. their body goes into shock, it doesn’t have any experience metabolizing the drug. But if you’ve been taking sedatives for years, like me, it’s more likely that at best you’ll get really sick to your stomach. Another part of this is natural production of neurotransmitters, which regulate hormones controlling sleep and blood pressure. If you’ve been on sedatives for awhile, your natural hormonal production for serotonin will be way down…. because apparently with sedatives it’s some form of OD on the effects of serotonin, serotonin syndrome which I only found out about with my latest foray into heavier scripts.
I hit the low end of it a lot lately. A few drinks, a bit of THC, and I can feel the switch flip. But the distance between that and a definitive end…. unknown….. it hurts a lot trying to find out is all I can say.
but I’m sorry, for you, for me, that this dumb kid who wasn’t even aiming to exit managed it while we linger on. It isn’t fair…. and I honestly don’t know if knowing the biology behind it makes it any better.
holy cow thats some strong stuff you took. 3 oxys are enough to knock me on my ass, I cant imagine the full cocktail. well fwiw I’m glad youre still around and undamaged enough to talk about it. why didnt it work..? idk some people can die from a handful while others can live thru rhino tranqs. Like viking said, tolerance has a lot to do with it Im sure. idk, maybe its all BS and it comes down to dumb luck.
3 days in the icu mustve been hell though. Did they let you go home or are you in one of those grippy sock vacay resorts?
“are you in one of those grippy sock vacay resorts?” Im so sorry but I laughed so hard at this everybody at Starbucks started staring at me. I’ve been to way to many of these yes I went to one for about 5 days and my mom took me out AMA because they were abusing the power of what they called booty juice which is an injection that knocks you out. They even injected me twice in the wrong spot. Its supposed to be injected into the muscle of your butt, but no they injected me in a spot in my lower back where it was just skin and bone. And it was all because they wouldn’t give me my nausea medicine and I refused to go to bed until I got it. But they were claiming that they had to wait for a doctor to approve it when it was already prescribed to me and the prescription instructions say I can take it as needed. The whole situation could have been avoided if they had just given me my fucking Zofran.
“3 days in the icu must’ve been hell though.” I was very sleepy and knocked out for the first night because of the medications I took. They placed me on suicide watch and wouldn’t let me have my phone. They said they were gonna wash my system out with saline. The second night, it felt like my head was exploding super slowly because all they meds were reacting with eachother. It was the worst headache I had ever had in my life. The third day was when they shipped me off to some “Highly rated mental hospital”. If I had just held out a day longer after I took all those meds and not passed out mid day I wouldn’t be here right now. The whole reason I went to the hospital was because my mom suspected I took something. The doctor said if I came too much later than I did I would have slipped into a coma and be dead in a week. why did I have to pass out so soon?.
lol yeah it’s no fun being there but afterwards you cant help but laugh at the absurdity. I’ve got a couple pairs of grippy socks crammed in the back of my drawer to remind me…
That sucks you got jabbed right in the assbone. I think they do it on purpose, sadistic bastards. And as long as we’re venting how bout those lovely ‘beds’ like tryna sleep on a dentist chair. ig they’re afraid if they give us an actual bed we’ll figure out how to suffocate ourselves with the mattress.
anyway the big question is did you have a NDE or any new insights on dying or the afterlife? Even if it was a last minute desire to live? I always worry about that, like maybe at the point of dying you realize death is even worse. I only had 1 od attempt and I didnt get any visions but I started freaking out and literally clawing at the walls. I didnt take nearly enough so maybe I just skipped to the ‘worst headache I ever had in my life’ portion of the program o_O
I think the last minute what ifs and thoughts of wanting to go back might just be the brain trying to keep you alive and maybe get admitted to the hospital. I had one thought. It was the night I took the pills and I was thinking whether to wake my mom or not to take me to the hospital but if I never did say anything. gosh I wish I didn’t still live at home.
I ask myself the same question. One Saturday night last June I took between 80-90 Xanax 0.5 mg. Thought sure that was enough to do the job but no. I woke up about 19 hours later to someone pounding on my door. I was extremely groggy and disoriented. Next thing I know I’m in an ambulance. Got medically cleared in a few hours then off to a psych ward for five days. That was pure torture. I got no help whatsoever. Meds were changed and that’s it. It was like being in jail. So overdosing again is not my method as I’m very afraid of failing. I absolutely, positively do not want to go back to a psych ward.
Danm literally how did you survive that shit? When I took all those pills I only took about 10 1mg Xanax. And yeah those psych wards fucking suck. I got the shit beat out of me because I apparently looked the wrong way and also got abused by the staff so yeah it was hell.
My big brother tried to do that once it was not fun when he told me and I had to call my mom and she kinda scoffed about it, not sure what the point of this response is, first thoughts that came into head!