I’ve always had bad luck. Always. God know he loves fucking me over. Yesterday I wake up early, 8 am, and think for a moment about skipping my 9 am class. I push through. The day before we got lots of snow. So of course, because God never misses a chance to fuck me over, while walking to school I slip on some ice and sprain my ankle. Fuck you too. I limp the rest of the way to school. Realize that it’s worse than I want to admit, I uber back to my apartment, grab my insurance card, then uber to an urgent care. I go from clinic to clinic because I need multiple x-rays and their tech only comes by at certain times at each location. Ankle is sprained and my pinkie toe bone leading to my ankle is fractured. Fucking wonderful. I’m saddled with a big ass boot and crutches now. Funny story, I uber over to a diner to eat and wait for a tech at the clinc across the street to show up. Someone felt pity for me and paid for my breakfast. That was nice. I cross the street as fast as I can, starting to limp on my bad foot because cars were coming. I try to get past a ditch to get to the clinic and fall again on hurting my foot even more. Fantastic. The US has no concept of what a walkable city is and sidewalks are special commodiities you find in the inner city. So yesterday sucked. And guess what. It was on Valentine’s Day. I’ve stopped caring about relationships a long time ago, so being alone on that day doesn’t phase me anymore. But when I was lying in bed, it dawned on me what day it was and I couldn’t help but laugh. If that day wasn’t going to hurt me in the normal way, it will find another way. I realized this solitary lifestyle does not work when you are on one leg. Cooking, cleaning, showers, getting into a fucking uber, walking to the different buildings on campus is now a major fucking chore. Opening a fucking door is a challenge. All of this struggle and pain only highlights how alone I am. I managed to master being on my own for 7 years now, but now I’m just some invalid that struggles to walk a few dozen feet. I’m going to have to get my groceries delivered now because navigating a Price Chopper will completely wind me. Can’t go to the arcade with my massive ass crutches in the way. It’s already tough enough to navigate between a bunch of drunks and bulky cabinets. My budget will be completely fucked with all the uber and delivery charges I’m going to rack up. All in all, fuck you God. Fucking Prick.
Welcome to my world -_-
And yes, fuck this universe for all the shit dumped on me.