all this “knowledge” I’ve stored up, most of it’s fairy tales, magic beans and beanstalks, princesses and dragons.
Like I was talking about the underregulated days of street drugs, which are fairy tales to people my age, under 40, we’ll never know what it’s like to get really hard stuff perfectly legal, or only a little shady. Heck, even illegal you can’t get anything that great anymore, sorry to burst your bubble if you thought you could. Modern stuff ain’t patch on what it was, or so the old timers tell us, we’ll never know will we?
Same goes for alot. Like, almost everything
Retirement. Time was there was a thing called a pension. You paid in your whole working life, 20-30 years, then when time came to retire, you got to! Can you imagine?! No haggling with the stock market, No congress taking away your healthcare or your social security, it was all paid for. How’s that for a fairy tale?
Or work? Did you know there was a time when if you were willing to work, JUST to work 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day, you could raise a family on that. SINGLE INCOME….. two cars, a house, and no debt. That’s a pretty damn silly fairy tale now isn’t it?
Or Disability? Back when they set it up, disability insurance covered you T-O-T-A-L, so you could survive same as when you worked, because we didn’t penalize you for getting sick…… now how’s that for a fantastic story? BEANS. BEANSTALK
so I don’t know what to tell you, how we got the world we got today. I think it started with a guy named Reagan. He told us that if we stopped taxing the rich, we’d ALL get rich…… and somehow that didn’t happen. Then HW Bush came around and didn’t do jack, nor Clinton, W. took the surplus and spent it invading two countries that had absolutely nothing to offer us at all except for disability for a few million men in my generation, then Obama tried to clean it all up…………… and we saw how that went, and now a decade later here we are
Maybe that’s just another fairy tale, that you can tell your kids, maybe I’m a fairy tale too, maybe nothing is real anymore, that’s the real secret, don’t believe in a damn thing, because there aint anything left to believe in
just beans, and maybe a beanstalk, if you squint really hard.
You squinting?
Ah yes. The oh so sweet American dream of either dying delusional or living long enough to see yourself develop a quiet hatred for everything around you.
Hoping one of these tornadoes flings me into the abyss.
“living long enough to see yourself develop a quiet hatred for everything around you.”
>>Oh that would definitely be me.
You can thank the Boomers for all of that. THEY are the ones who got rid of pensions, refused to raise the minimum wage, took everything and then pulled the ladder from under them so everyone after them couldn’t get the same things THEY got for free or cheap. You can read up on that. Google how Boomers fucked up life for the current and future generations. Yes, it all started with shithead Reagan, but EVERY president that followed fucked us up more. So Boomers and everyone in power- which are basically BOOMERS.
the point to me is that it could be done, we had the technology, the mechanisms probably still exist somewhere
so even though people act as though we’re talking about magic and dragons, we’re talking about motors and inclined planes. I use dramatic language specifically to be inflamatory, to demonstrate how silly it is to treat it as if we are in some dark age now, sitting beneath aqauducts we have full knowledge of how they were built
these aren’t fairy tales, these are hard facts that actually happened……. but I don’t know how to get the rest of our species to WAKE THE FUCK UP. I tried being polite. I tried being logical. I tried taking the cost effective approach. No luck. No love.
So now I’m trying to become a shit kicker, how am I doing?
well considering only 2 ppl have responded to your post, maybe not well? lol. and S6xoxo and i are already red-pilled so you’re preaching to the choir.
how do you wake others tf up? well, you’ll have better luck with the younger generation. ppl <40yo are too brainwashed by MSM, and even 30s. though there are a % that are waking up, but not enough.
and that's not to say most young ppl <30yo are awake- a lot of them also aren't- but there's more of them that are than the older folks.
the more they watch MSM (be it Fox or CNN or MSNBC), the more brainwashed they are. Both sides are equally idiots, though on different topics.
there’s only beans for us. there’s no beanstalk- that’s a mirage. a made up thing to keep the masses from uprising.
“That’s why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” -George Carlin
For me personally the worst thing iIcould ever do is have kids into this world knowing full well how much everything sucks. I’d have to tell them: “You’ll have to waste most of your uesable life making money to be allowed to exist.”
If unborn children could preview and make sense of this impending life, I’m sure the count of stillborns would sky rocket as the forthcoming souls tell their parents to shove this life up their ass. I would have most certainly.
Almost nobody does anything for a reason other than the desperate animalistic imperative to survive, which in our pseudo civilization is making dough. Hence why everything is so mediocre from poor infrastructure everywhere to technology a fraction of it’s potential, or technology developed to make life worse (surveillance, ‘security’, weapons, generative AI).
Nay, what joys may feetingly blip are too paltry to offset the abject misery of a socially engineered slave system, and most people only have kids due to this programming as the ranks must be topped up. The population must be kept unmanageable to ensure every indivisual is worthless and disposable.
They made things ok in the 50s – 80s to get the subscribers signed in, then when the harvest was good they cut the crop to waste, …by design, as ever, for 10 000 years of kings and leadership have shown us, this planet is by and for charlatan parasites.
good luck convincing the idiot masses from procreating. it’s futile.
nor are they smart enough to revolt either. especially sheeple Americans.