More and more, I get the sense (as an American) that I may have to risk my life fighting against authoritarian regimes. I promise you, I will die before I let our country fall into dictatorship. I hope it doesnt come to that. But as someone who has been through boot camp before, as someone who cares about the freedoms of others, as someone who cares about fighting for whats right, I declare: FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT! I vow to each of you, I will die before I let your freedoms dissipate.
I’ve felt the same way for awhile about our country. I never served because it would have required being without my medication, and it is my belief I need to escape the trap of this state to get off of SSRIs. Last month I became too old to enlist. I’m too old to work in law enforcement as well. You have to be young enough to serve the full 20 year civil service term, which is BS to me because my family is famously long lived.
Anyway, I’d serve if there was a service willing to let me, which there would be if the need was dire enough, that’s what happens when things get bad enough. No one is putting me on the front line, I know that, but there’s other stuff needs doing. Heck, put me on the front line, I’m willing.
It’s that there are better things to do with me, I suspect. I’m good at hand to hand, but lousy at ranged. I guess that’s what boot camp is for. There’s just plenty of need for support, both logistics and mental health, and I already have the training for both. Heck, you could turn my psychology skills to agressive tactics, that would be as useful.
I’m always looking for ways to support resistance to authoritarianism, because it is happening now where I am. Our governor and one of our senators are all in, but we’re using our constitutional democracy to reign them in. We just kicked our nutty education secretary off social media, so little victories.
It’s kind of funny, because I fully intend to leave this place, but as long as I’m here I’m going to defend it. Keep my skills active, because I’m sure it won’t be any different wherever I go.
This is such an admirable way of thinking and I’m sure it’s what the original defenders of freedom felt 250 years ago when they defeated the king. I wonder what they would think of King 2.0 shitting on the guarantees of liberty they had died for. Oh well, what is it that history teaches us?
I’ve been watching a lot of classic films from the 30s and 40s that focus on the European Resistance, realizing that America has never had this sort of underground unity to fight authoritarianism. I wish we did because it’s something I would join in a heartbeat.
I’m already planning to die for no good reason, it would be great to go out for a cause that would help others.