I haven’t eaten in 3 days now, the unbearable want to eat or drink has passed and I no longer feel hungry or thirsty. The lack of food and water has made my mouth extremely dry, I’ve been swishing water in my mouth and spitting it back out to keep from having my lips crack in a painful manner. I feel weak, every movement is slowly becoming a battle and I can feel every breath becoming more difficult. I feel peaceful though, strangely enough, I’ve come to peace with myself and I’m no longer afraid to pass. The most difficult part about waiting to pass for me is that my father lives with me in a small townhouse and the thought of leaving him rivals the pain in my stomach. He’s an older man, with a bright and cheery personality but my father has convinced himself that everything is fine, every time I have tried to reach out to him he has refused to listen or has brushed off my pleas and replaced them with words of his own. I feel guilty every time I look at him, and when he looks back and smiles at me he has no idea that I’m dying. I read a post earlier on here that a woman had written in hopes of saving us, but after reading her heartfelt words all I can remember is the first sentence “Think of who will find you”. There are people out there who have every reason to feel sad, the ones who suffer from loss, neglect and the ones who feel alone. The want to die is the most scariest feeling in the world, i’ve decided. It’s not something that anyone would wish upon a rival, or even an enemy. No one should have to feel like this and in those final moments before death you see what you’ve done in a different light, but it’s too late. I know all of this, and yet I sit here ready to die. Maybe everything will be alright in the end, I have 7 more days to live.
That will be a hard battle to go through for you. I once went a week with no food and it was bad. I rarely would drink anything but I only lasted a week. Please dont do this. How old are you? When you leave your fathers home things will change for the better. You’re still young.
Yeah, I gotta say starving yourself might not be “effective”. Your organs will shut down first and it will be very painful. I’m actually surprised at how long a body can survive on barely anything. Longer than you might hope :\ Please, try to find another solution to whatever it is yor dealing with…
I’ve done my research, like many people facing depression and questioning committing suicide. Completely separating yourself from eating and drinking altogether can end your life in a course of 7 to 10 days. It’s such a rare method of suicide because of the long period of time which you have to reconsider and think more rationally. For the first 3 days your body begins to devour fat cells once it recieves no more of it’s natural intake of food and water. After those 3 days you no longer feel the need to eat, so it passes.. dare i say, peacefully. Suicide altogether is a horrible thing to attempt or even thing about, this i know. But in the next 7 days I am able to decide whether to pursue this road. Dehydration takes your life faster than Starvation, Starving yourself can last for months, Dehydrating yourself takes up to a week.
I think there are a lot of variables involved which make it kinda hard to put a “time stamp” on how long it will take you to die. You sound pretty sure of things tho, so… good luck?
So you haven’t actually decided to go through with it yet. It’s still just an experiment that you might stop at any given moment.
I think everyone deserves closure, whether it be in the most final of ways or in the fear of realizing how close you are to death. I am 4 days in to what I have begun, I have reconsidered turning back but never for myself so I have continued on with this pursuit of peace. Temptation is the only thing i’m fighting through at this point in time.
Please, is there a way you can step back for a moment, and reconsider this? I do not mean in any way to demean or ignore your pain. Your pain and suffering are very real, and very terrible for you to be doing this. But your strength and courage and determination are very real also. It takes incredible guts to do what you are doing. Please, I know you probably have tried over and over again, but can you once again put the strength you are using to end your life to keep on living and overcome your pain? You are a valuable person. The world will be less without you in it. Please reply, I’d like to know if you’re still okay.
I understand and respect your concern as this type of thing is such a serious matter. I’m trying to find a better way to go about my pain, but getting out of this emotional state is difficult.
I am still breathing, but I get weaker each day, I feel your love and your concern and I take it into consideration but I have already decided on what I want. I don’t feel lost, really, I feel an acceptance in what i’m doing even though the reality of it is bat shit crazy. I feel so at peace, in fact this site brings me more inspiration that anything i have ever encountered.
What has gotten you into it? Please, what are your circumstances (age, sex, circumstances, relationships, really why you consider this, etc.). When someone gets lost it’s just helpful to know where they are at so you can help them find the way again.
some food, for your mind.
I think the worst part of choosing this method would be the uncertainty. How do you know when (or even if) you will check out? Whilst it might seem like a slightly romantic notion in just letting your body wither away like a beautiful flower, and I understand the logic of giving yourself some thinking time, I don’t know if I could choose this method myself.
I just hope that by giving yourself some thinking time, you will see enough people here do care about you, and that you might decide to perhaps use the thinking time to reverse your decision. Just remember that whatever decision you make, it has to be the right decision for YOU.
Good luck.
It is the worst part, you are right. As I have written, waiting to die is never a comforting feeling. But I will be completely honest, the main reason why this method rarely succeeds is because people give in to the temptation and make the mistake of taking sips of water, or nibbles on food. But I guess I can’t really call it a mistake because this is what saves lives. Starvation can take months of suffering before your body eventually gives in and during that time how could you possibly be willing to endure such a pain when it has already taken so long? Sansesperer, there is never a time where I do not think about the bright side of life as well as the darkness of it. In the time that I have left, it is my goal to discover more about myself so that when my time comes to a close I will have my own closure, I feel this is the right decision for myself.
Isn’t there a danger you’ll collapse from weakness, be found by your father or someone else, and be taken to a hospital with permanent kidney/organ damage? Your situation would then be worse than it is now. And whatever happens, won’t your father be forever traumatized, blaming himself for not noticing your condition and trying to do something to help? Please, at least start drnking some water, fruit juice, etc.
Gimixi… Hope you are doing fine