My trip to the guidance office proved to be as hopeless for solace as I figured. My guidance councler is a very nice and upbeat woman, but at the time of my arrival that day, she seemed to be handling other jobs of her own. Even though I was really upset at that point, I was really just glad to sit in a chair and get away from my friend for a while.
I regained my composure and I sat in the chair with much embarrassment. I felt embarrassed for being in there and I felt more embarrassed that I let everyone see me so upset as I was coming to her office. I felt like a child, a child that had just had a tantrum and was wanting attention for her little “friend problems”. My guidance councler seemed to me regarded them as such. Just adolescent problems. To me now, my feelings then seem more and more petty as time goes on. But I do feel saddened by the way I felt that day, and I feel that my behavior was totally understandable.
After my episode that day, I knew then that my friendship with my best friend was officially over. Even though all the while, my friend never said a word about it. I had a strong feeling that when I told my friend to gain some independence from her mom, that she too (just as her last close friend) banned me from seeing her. I didn’t need to be a psychologist to know that this happened, it was all to painfully obvious.
1 comment
I can entirely relate to this Redisblue. Except I had it with the school’s social worker, not the guidance consellor- So I would be extremely cautious and embarassed if anyone saw me entering the “Social Worker’s ” office because only people with emotional distress go there. I lost MANY of my friends- some in which were my best friends and I feel like I will NEVER “forget” the situation. The only way I can TRULY accept what happened is if I redeem myself (which I haven’t done yet). I think the only way I can obtain happiness from this is to redeem myself. How do you feel about the situation?