I posted here the other day telling my story I thank everyone for the advice but today when I got to school all I wanted was for me to die I was lonely, alone, sad upset and when I saw my boyfriend at school all I wanted to do was cry I held it together and didn’t. I had such a horrible day I am sitting by myself after school in Starbucks after my friend left (my only friend who has been there for me the most) & my ex boyfriend the one who needed space is sitting there with a bunch of girls and I know now that he left me so he could try and get with this other girl. He paid a lot of attention to them and when I watched them sit there I only felt empty and more sad I thought I was going to cry right then and there I held it together to show I don’t need him but I feel like I need him so badly after everything we went threw its over because of someone “hotter” than me I do admit I have a pretty low self esteem when Jr comes to judging my self so I don’t normally have a whole lot of good qualities I would say about myself. Any ideas or advice? and now when I see my ex all I do is feel more depressed that I can’t believe I fucked.up again
Don’t fret. Break-ups do suck. It’s painful but remember there’s more reason to live than him. You don’t need him to make you happy. So what if he left you for someone else? It wasn’t meant to be. You’ll meet and break up with many more people in your life but you will find that person who makes you happy and loves you, not based on your looks, but who you are as a person. Don’t let a break-up determine your worth as a person.
Keep trying.
he wasn’t worth anything. He wants ASS. That’s what he wants now. You’re still in school, you have time to find the one. Relationships at your age shouldn’t be taken tooooo seriously. Don’t expect a marriage or five years of nothing but love. it’s doesn’t work that way. Keep trying and keep fighting on. You’re a strong person, you just can’t keep thinking like this.
i know i can do better i know i can but it’s like i don’t want to i want him back so badly i don’t know how i could find anyone i always put myself down.. i am too fat i am too ugly i have too many zits i have no friends i know people say i am not fat i am pretty and i have great skin but i still feel like i am nothing that i am just worthless