I’m unhappy, more than unhappy actually. I don’t know whats wrong with me I have nothing left to live for and if I could I would drop dead right now. I know there are people that love me but the one person I want to love me doesn’t. The women who knew me before I knew myself, the women who carried me for nine months hates me, and I cant do a damn thing about it. Today I realized that I have become just like her. i am mean and I say things to people just to hurt them. I can’t stop myself and it tears me apart… if anyone want to give me some cyanide I would be most grateful (although you probably wont get your cyanide back).
perhaps we can take it out in trade?
for helium?
i hope you feel better tommorow.
yah i’ll trad anytime do you actually have cyanide
Hey Alayna, I’m so sorry to hear about your troubles. Please be patient with your Mum, I know it must be hard right now and whatever the situation is I can tell you truly feel like she dosnt love you, just please remember people say things they dont mean and do things out of anger that they later regret. I myself had a big fall out with my Mum, I told her I didnt love her anymore and told her to never contact me again, the next thing I heard was she had died and I realized that I didnt mean a word I said to her, the regret I felt was inexplicable so whatever has been said, however bad and hopeless your relationship is with your mother I would be willing o bet, deep down she loves you more than anything. I hope you make piece with her, all the best and good luck, a buddy 🙂
no i’m sorry
oh ok thats fine I would probably chicken out anyway
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