My husband has left me. I cant take it. Why is God letting me suffer? Why is he letting my husband hurt me like this? Our marriage hasnt been the best the past year and now its officially over. I dont want this. We have a newborn and I think im pregnant again. My husband says im nothing to him and he hopes i kill myself. He practically cheers me on to do it. Ive cried and begged God to help me. But i dont get anything. I know i shouldnt want to die cause of my kids. But my husband says they are better off without me. Maybe they are. Sometimes i wonder if he exsists. I just want to be happy. Why wont he let me be happy? I just want a happy marriage with my husband. I dont want to be lile most people amd move on. I want to grow old with my current husband. If i cant have that then i dont want to live. I cant handle him leaving and moving on. I love him too much. Please help.
I wish i could take your pain and make you feel better.
You have to face reality, if he doesn’t want you anymore, then he doesn’t deserve you either.
I know it’s very hard to be abandoned, but you’ll have to get stronger, control your emotions and live for yourself and for your child who trully needs you. Start right now, ok? 🙂
As a non spiritual person, I cannot tell you why it is that your God is allowing you to suffer in this way, but as a very fascinated Religious Studies student, I can tell you that it is said that you won’t be given more than you can handle, that although the pain may feel unbearable now, you are strong enough to cope with it and whether it is clear right now or not, you will be able to get out of this bad situation without taking your life. Instead of immersing yourself in questioning your faith and missing your husband, you ought to do all you can to live for your children and find happiness in that and in them as much as you possibly can. Your child and your potential unborn child need you, so please don’t let him tell you differently. You can get through this and I’m sure you are not as alone as you think, you are capable of far more than you are aware of at present and if you keep holding on and keep trying things will eventually start to improve, eventually tomorrow will be a better day and you will be okay. Have faith in yourself as well as your God, it will be okay.
he will take it if you pray enough, in time just know that he WILL take the pain away and it will all rise from your shoulders.
In my experience, God gives me what I need, not necessarily what I want. I have wanted many, many things that would have done great harm to me. Today I’m grateful that God didn’t give me what I didn’t understand at the time.
If you believe in god – and i assume you do (i do not) – then maybe god KNOWS that your husband has turned to evil and that you and your children would actually be better off without him which is why he is making the break up so painful and final – god does not give us what we “want” … he gives us what we “need” … and it seems right now, god is telling you to run – run fast and far away from this animal that used to be your husband before he harms you or your children – and turn the tables on him – husband wants you dead – then LIVE – and SUCCEED – and if you choose – find a real man that will love and adore you for all that you are – your current husband certainly does not and that can and will be dangerous if you stick around or keep trying to “fix” it
lone dawg
My husband used to be the most kind and loving. Now its gone. Why cant god just help him? Change him back. Why would god make me the most happy with this man just to take him away? We made vows before him. Why wont he just help fix us? Like i said. Im not the type to move on. I vowed to thuis man for the rest of my life. It cant have been for nothing. All those happymemories with him. What were they for?