I have been married for 10 years and have a son who is 6. My wife stoped caring or trying about 2 years ago. No matter how hard I tried to communicate with her it made no difference. I am self employed and would work all day and watch my child while she slept or watched tv. I love my son more than anything and didn’t mind watching him, its just that it made things harder for me and I thought she should do her part. We decided to split up and have joint custody of our child. She has always told me she would never keep him from me, even the last time I saw her. One day I dropped him off and she was upset cause previously that week I had a female friend over. My wife had told me she didn’t care if I dated someone, but this female was literally just a friend. I told her this and she was still very upset. Two days later when I was suppose to pick up my little boy she wouldn’t answer her phone and had went to her parents house. I soon thereafter got served papers from a lawyer. She said that I beat them, did drugs, used my business as a front to sell drugs, and had sex with another woman in front of my child. All of this is completely made up BS. Her parents also claimed this. Only three days after I received this there was an emergency court hearing. My parents are half ass and didn’t even care and wouldn’t come to court with me. Even though I have no record or anything, the judge sided with her since her parents were participating and there and my wouldn’t even come to back me up. It has been 5 months since ive seen my child. The court has not set up a date yet for a hearing. I literally have nobody who even cares about my situation. I have told my parents I am suicidal and I need there help to see my child but they don’t even return my calls. The court granted a restraining order to prevent me from talking to my ex or seeing my child. I still don’t understand why she would do this, she promised she never would keep my child from me. My little boy spent all his time with me and wouldn’t even go to bed at night till I tucked him in, or called him to tell him goodnight if he was with her. Nobody cares and without my child I have nothing to keep me going. I don’t want to not be there for him, but the pain I feel is so horrible. Everything reminds me of him. I’m so depressed I cant work, pay my bills, or even eat hardly. I just want the horrible pain to end, and nobody that has ever called themselves my family cares. I’ve always been a good person and helped others when I could. I don’t know what to do anymore, I just need a person to hug me, talk to me, and tell me they care. My little boy has always been the most important thing in my life, I love him so much and this is literally killing me. I don’t know how much longer I can take it.
hey man. hold on. i care.
Thank you, but it doesn’t fill the void in my heart. I’m 34 and I’ve never felt this way before. I just need to see my little boy, but nobody here cares.
Trust me, he misses me. He knows that you’re gone. And he wants you back. Remember how much he would miss you if you just disappeared.
Because of my mom, I haven’t been allowed to have any contact with my dad since I was about a year old. And I noticed it. To this day I wish that my mom had been able to figure her shit out. And I know that your son loves and misses you too.
I know he does, that’s why it hurts me so bad. Why cant she see what she is doing to him? I know he is storing the pain away. He deserves better and there is nothing I can do. He is all I ever wanted and he is what brought joy and purpose to my life. I cant even get work done anymore because it clouds my mind constantly. If I cant pay my bills I have nowhere to go and nobody. I’m lost
She can’t see what she’s doing because she’s selfish and self absorbed. Trust me, I’ve lived with a parent like that for my entire life. Because of her senseless actions not only do I not know my father, but I don’t know my brother, sister, grandparents, or his entire side of the family. I know what it’s like to feel like it’s impossible to get out of bed. But you have to hang on for your son. Remind yourself that he wants you to live. Focus on getting through each hour. You can do it for him, if no one else.
Hold on… if only for the sake of your son in the short term. In the long term, things will hopefully get better and you’ll be holding on for yourself. Don’t give up. Life is precious. I found that out the hard way. It can be a pain sometimes… but life isn’t always easy.