I have a stepsister who goes through all the shit I do and shes my only family I have left. Shes 17 and just found out that she wont be able to leave home cuz of legal troubles my stepdads fault but I walked into our bedroom and found her sobbing on her bed. Her wrists were cut so deep it was scary you could see the bone only a little bit but still the cuts went the whole way up her arm. I ran out of the room to get a towel and gauze I was gone for like 5 minutes and when I came back I found her in the closet. Dead. She hung herself. Now I have no one. Again. I have a biological sister but no one knows where she is. Maybe ill find her one day
When did this happen? 😐
Two hours ago. And somehow I’m still crying
1. i don’t even know what to say
2. i don’t think anyone would/should expect you to stop crying about such a thing in a mere two hours. Maybe two months… or years.
It seems so unbelievable… but in case this is your actual reality, i don’t want to suggest it’s not true. I don’t want to believe it, but not wanting to believe things never makes them any less true.
Perhaps this can be the catalyst that leads you to a better situation.
Thx I think …but I stopped crying when I was two. This is the first time ive cried in 13 years
holy shit. im speechless. wow. *hug* theres nothing i can say or do to take that pain away. i dont expect you to stop crying for a long fucking time…
Ik its a hard time but y would I cry for awhile
“y would i cry for awhile”
I’m assuming that’s a rhetorical question, but i’m going to answer it anyway.
Why would you cry? Because that’s a deeply disturbing, emotionally traumatic experience. Lots of people cry when horrible things happen. You seemed to imply that two hours is too long to cry over finding your step sister hanging dead in the closet after slashing her wrists/arms. Crying for two hours is not excessive at all. I would expect much, much more, from just about anyone.
In fact, in such a scenario, i would expect you to be in shock, not fully realizing what has occurred. But you’re here telling us about it, only two hours after it happened? Something just doesn’t fit. It’s triggering my skepticism. But like i said, if this actually happened, telling you i think it’s not true, is not the effect i want to produce.
I don’t want be like “nuh uh, liar…” because i don’t know. I wouldn’t want to be one of those people who doesn’t believe your story, when it’s actually true… but this is some pretty serious stuff, and you’re here, so soon after, implying that you think you shouldn’t be crying about it. And while i’m not going to tell you “you should cry about it,” i will also say: “you shouldn’t Not cry.” I find it bizarre that you think you shouldn’t cry over something like this.
Even though she was “only your step sister,” you said it was someone you shared a room with, who you were in the middle of trying to help, when this happened. If it were me, i’d be pretty freaked out and messed up. I’m surprised you’re even coherent enough to tell us about this so soon.
I still think you need to get away from all of those people. The life you describe is no kind of life for anyone. You can do better away from them.
I was in shock at first. But my stepparents don’t let us show emotion and when we do we would ge locked into a closet for hours. I guess I’m still kinda in. Shock cuz I still. Have a hard time wrapping my head around it. Its worse that when I told my parents they told me to leave her there and then they saw I was crying and locked me in the room with her. The only reason I shared it was cuz this is the only place I feel safe
have the police been called or are you still in the room with her deceased body?!…. that’s against the law that’s child endangerment , neglect, cruelty to children, abuse and probably a few more felonies in there as well….the police should still be at your house if they already came…..tell them a.s.a.p
I’m still in the room. But I think I’m just ganna go through with my other plan
this is legit fucked up. everything about this situation is pure unfiltered fuckery. call the police. contact them somehow. instead of posting on here get somebody to come help you.
Ive tried but I’m ganna go through with my other plan it will get me outa this stituation faster then any feds can
No before you do anything you need to contact the police asap….you have an internet connection so can use your computer to contact them….try using google voice…if you dont have it download it and use it
how did you try what happened?
I g2g
You gotta do something girl. If you’re ready to off yourself anyway, you might as well wreck shit for those who caused it, and go out in a blaze of glory.
I cannot even express the depth and degree of my disgust at the idea that, out there, somewhere, there is a broken girl locked in a room by her monstrous step parents, with her freshly suicided step-sister hanging dead in the closet.
Again, “if all this is true,” your “step parents” deserve to rot in prison… or worse.
Ive done all that I can I hardly even have the strength to stand at this point
I don’t know what to believe….sometimes the truth is often stranger than fiction….If you have any respect for your sister get the fucking police there! no you haven’t tried because the police are not there. If things are as you say obviously the step parents don’t give a fuck….if you kill yourself they have two dead kids and no witnesses all they have to do is dispose of your bodies and say you ran away and if they’re smart about it they can get away with it….If you want any type of justice for your sister then do something…..anything to get the attention of authorities ….is there a window? open it and scream at the top of your lungs break some shit throw something do something…..to kill yourself now is giving these evil people an opportunity to get away with it
No windows bur if I brake anything then ill get hurt. They’ll hurt me
you are on the internet…..how? computer, phone, tablet? it doesn’t matter you have an internet connection…..use it! I just told you to use Google voice even if you don’t have a mic call them repeatedly until they show up trust me they will track you and come…..doing nothing is not helping you in fact it is helping your stepparents ….I don’t know if your story is real but if it is then you need to listen …..Its beyond the realm of sanity that they would do something like that….. and it will go unpunished if you kill yourself before making them pay….
I agree with PainNlife on this one. This is one of those times you have to decide to fight as hard as you can… even if you think you can’t win. If you won’t even fight for yourself, then it’s unlikely you’ll ever find the help you need. Part of it has to come from inside you. It’s in there, even if you might not think so right now. Sometimes it’s buried and you have to dig deeper to find it.
And, if you’re really about to kill yourself, then “they’ll hurt me” is not a valid excuse. You’re going to hurt you. Either way, you’re going to hurt and/or die. You might as well do something heroic, and try to make a difference, instead of just letting bad people get away with doing bad things.
Ok….my stepparents should be leaving soon I could bust out if the room. But then what
I just hope she listened and tried to contact the police. I had my skepticism about the authenticity of her story but I’d rather give her instructions to help so that my assumptions don’t make an ass out of me….Its not the typical thing you see here on SP but I rather not allow these evil people to get away with pure evilness…..If it were me in that situation fuck SP my number one priority would be getting help because in about a few hours the decaying smell will start and that’s not something she wants to deal with….
I’m not going to lie, but this seems a little strange. But if this is all true, you need to find away to get ahold of the cops somehow.
I’m so sorry about this los. You can cry about it, that is a situation you can cry in, it’s all ok.
You can email me if needed, brl.cents@gmail.com
what do you mean “then what”? call the fucking cops!…..you don’t even need to bust out just contact the police I’ve already told you how multiple times using Google voice its free and all you need is a Gmail account
I no bout the cop thing. But it wont let me download google voice it says my browsers not supported. If I can find a phone ill call
this is a fake fucking story. this is absolutely incredible. how are you contacting us now? either with your phone or a computer. im guna go with my gut on this one and call it out for what it is..bullshit. AND if in the unbelievable case that this is true..there is no “then what?” You get the fuck out of there and call the cops from a neighbours house and tell somebody everything.
Look I’ve given all the help I can give its nothing more I can do and honestly I’ve become a bit agitated because it seems like you aren’t taking any of the advice given but providing reason why you can’t.. I don’t know your situation but from what you said above it seems like you either don’t want help or this story is just that…..a story…….You need to contact the police period. There isn’t anything else you need to be doing forget about SP forget about committing suicide at this moment your number one objective and priority is contacting police either through google voice or if you feel the need to bust out the room then use a land line however ……you need to follow the directions given and stop asking questions ……..
Unless you have a stone age computer then you are not telling the truth….
you’ll just need a touch-tone phone, and these requirements on your computer:
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, Mac, Linux
Web browser: IE6 & above, Firefox 3 & above, Safari 3 & above, Google Chrome
Flash 8 and above required
If you are telling the truth download Google chrome its free and won’t take too long and it comes with flash 8 so you will be set otherwise I can’t help you
you know how I know this story is bullshit? I would be fucking frantic if i found my brother dead. even step brother. I’d be in fucking shock. so much shock that SP.com would be the last fucking thing on my mind. there is no urgency to your post. I’d be running around like a chicken with my head cut off and in shock like that writer held captive in “Misery”. this is too fantastical even for me.
@killswitchon When I first saw the post I was skeptical but with each of her responding comments I became even more skeptical and now my bullshit meter is off the charts….I don’t know for sure but its just not reasonable to think that a girl with another dead girl in the room locked inside with her is not going to be screaming and frantic and trying to get help….plus…why wasn’t the cops called when her sister was first discovered dead? Its just not making sense to me and even the “evil parents” would call the cops its not like they murdered her they have no reason to fear prosecution….I don’t know at this point it all seems like a hoax and if it is then she needs to stop.
Well, in her defense, i will say that i have seen people behave quite strangely when in shock. I have seen people go full blown denial, or completely shut down… and it’s like there’s a giant wall preventing them from accepting what is happening. Think “deer in headlights.”
OTOH, this does all seem quite incredible. But there is nothing that says it’s impossible, or that it must be false, either. There are horrible people in this world, and the objectionable behaviors described here are not really “all that far out,” considering the spectrum of bizarre shit, of which so many people in this world are capable.
She obviously knows how to take a picture of herself and post it on the internet, so she’s not totally inept. I would “guess” that she’s using a mobile device, and some of those are notorious for compatibility issues.
If the events described in her previous posts, and this one, are actually true… then she needs to get /the fuck/ out of there, and somehow get help from the authorities… and preferably never encounter these people again.
Again, on the other hand, she did previously state that she has a history of mental illness, and that “no one believes her.”
Imagine if you experienced ongoing abuse, and are repeatedly told you were lying, every time you tried to tell someone what was happening. What do you do then?
Well, basically, there is only one way: you have to insist, you have to be adamant about it, and you have to refuse to take “that’s not really true” or “we don’t believe you” as an answer. You have to SCREAM IT. You have to FIGHT to make people aware of the truth, until someone listens, and helps you do something about it.
I would honestly prefer to be in a hospital or even solitary confinement somewhere, as long as i’m away from these people.
I can’t say i know what’s really going on over there, but if it’s anything like what we’ve been told, then it’s not okay.
And if it’s an elaborate troll… well, better safe than sorry, i suppose. I don’t mind if people think i’m someone who would want to help a person in such a situation as described.
I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt at the beginning and didn’t even mention my skepticism because I’m a trusting guy and she didn’t initially seem like that type of person but too much is too much. even IF her step parents are as evil as she says they are i’d lean towards the fact that there would’ve been a call made. It’s their daughter for crying out loud dead in some closet. i ain’t buyin’ what she’s sellin’ anymore without proof it’s genuine. if this is all a farce you don’t need to make up stories to get attention either.
@Pain: did you read her other posts about being strapped down and “sold,” or having drugs “tested” on her? Do you think that “step parents” who would do/allow such things would be so quick to call police to deal with a suicide of their other daughter? Or might they freak out a bit themselves, thinking “shit, what are we going to say? what is our story? how are we going to get past this without all the other shit coming out?” That could be a reason police were not immediately called. Just sayin, if it was me, i wouldn’t call them right away either.
Then again, it all seems very outrageous.
Who would let their slaves use the internet? Are they just that brazen? Or is that the critical mistake in this potentially fabricated scenario?
If i had underage teenage sex slave drug guinea pigs, i certainly wouldn’t want them using the internet. That would just be profoundly careless. Then again, perhaps the guy is, as the poster suggests, “well connected,” and doesn’t really have to worry about it. Maybe it’s already established that he can just say “oh, poor thing, she’s just crazy…”
@clever you’re raising some very good points. this late in the game i’m still slightly open to it being grounded in reality although i got the feeling that there are parts that are being embellished to grab attention. also i have read ALL of her other posts but reading your “refresher” helped put some things back in perspective.
Not to sound insensitive, but you could ask emof__ to post a picture of the dead sister hanging in the closet. If this is legit, put up an address, too. Someone here will notify the authorities.
No I only read the one about the cutting and this one. You may be right but still I just don’t know if they would let a body sit and rot in their house while keeping the daughter locked in with the dead remains… sometime tomorrow they will smell the body because its warm and its decaying at a faster rate….that should provide some motivation for them to do something about it. I also don’t understand how she can’t use google voice when its a part of Gmail all you have to do is sign in and you can use it I thought you had to download it but when I looked up the browser requirements it says it cant be used inside Gmail. I just try to put myself in her shoes and think about what I would be doing. I know I can’t expect her to think like me but she seems to possess a reasonable intelligence level that would direct her to logical action of calling the cops or at least using the internet to get help…..had it been me making the post in her position I would have given my address out and told SP to call the police for me …..Hell I would have done that for her….It just seems like shes not taking the reasonable steps one would expect
typo “can be used inside of gmail”
i know being in a state of shock can render one almost catatonic although she had the inkling to post here. why not use that energy to make real human contact or at least come to the logical conclusion of posting her address and asking us to call the police for her. honestly a picture of the body is taking it a bit too far but there are red flags popping to and fro leading me to believe this is a fake.
Cosmic blip on point. I actually thought of that, but was afraid to say it… and, how do i know she doesn’t already have a pic waiting for that question? How would we know whether a pic of a dead girl hanging in a closet is “her step sister?” It could be just about anyone. She would have to… oh i feel so terrible saying it, she would have to basically photobomb it. It would have to be her AND the deceased, in the same pic. It’s a disgustingly morbid thought, but… wouldn’t that pretty much “prove” that something needs doing here?
I don’t want to leave a serious situation up to “pics or it didn’t happen…”
But, you know… sometimes you gotta do things you don’t wanna do, to make things better.
Idk. If someone can contact a suicide site, why can’t they contact the police online?
I’m just thinking out loud here.
Just a thought…..if she has a phone to take the picture then…………wouldn’t said phone be able to contact 911 with or without service? Ijs ….or maybe she has a digital camera who knows at this point….My thing is I would expect different from someone in this situation like killswitch said she couldn’t have been too shocked if she had the presence of mind to post on here about it and even still why didn’t she give out her address and ask for help that remains to be answered
She’s young, vulnerable, controlled, and seems weak willed, or broken willed.
To say, in one breath, that you’re about to “carry out your other plan,” and then express fear of retaliation for breaking out, because “they’ll hurt me,” shows some cognitive dissonance.
I wonder if “most people” even /know/ that you can contact the police online. I would bet that this might not even occur to the typical person… and this is a younger, powerless, confined person, who is both scared and suicidal… and probably in shock. So maybe it’s one of those things that never occurs to a person.
And as is often evidenced by various users of SP, this place can become a sort of haven or comfort zone, despite it not being the most effective method or best equipped tool for correcting anything.
And where do people turn when in crisis? Their comfort zone. Their “cave.”
Idk. I could rationalize all day and night. The only reason i’m here is because despite the superficial incredibility of this story, it’s not implausible, and even though it’s terrible enough that i don’t want to believe it, there are various factors that can be viewed in ways that actually make sense. So i can’t really tell myself “it’s just fake,” quite yet.
I’m not sure what’s worse: considering this could actually be happening out there somewhere… or that if it is, there’s really nothing i can do about it.
Best case scenario is that this is an elaborate troll. But i can’t just write it off as such, when so much of it seems to make sense to me.
I hope she gets the help she needs… whatever that may be.
Or take a picture of the dead girl and email it to the police with an address. That would get the cops attention, right?
Idk. The original post ends with more concern over finding her biological sister than resolving this crisis.
It also needs to be noted that she stopped commenting so either the issue has been resolved or she decided to stop with the B.S. I’m not completely writing it off as false but I’m still skeptical. I just want to know why she didn’t use the advice that was given although I will acknowledge there is some illogicality in her responses as clevername pointed out. I just don’t know what to believe I would just like to think that a person would make a reasonable attempt for help rather than telling SP about it and she didn’t even ask for help we really offered it. If we didn’t question her further we wouldn’t have known the situation at hand which makes it even more farfetched. She said her sister hung herself she didn’t mention the trapped part until we asked about it
after all the pain she’s said she’s been through i don’t think there’d be any reason not to fear more harm from her captors. there’s a big difference between taking your own life, self- harm and other people inflicting pain on you. i understand that completely. if i wanted to desperately escape my situation i would’ve searched high and low for a means to get help and searching something on google ain’t too hard these days in regards to contacting police.
either way at this point im 85% convinced this is a tall tale.
@ Cosmic Blip
People call me paranoid and crazy but I’m convinced someone on here has multiple user accounts and Internet enable devices and are communicating with themselves so as to avoid suspicion. What kind of human would do such a thing, lord only knows. I’ve been on here almost everyday this past week so, maybe that’s causing me to lose my marbles.
Well, considering the timing… it’s possible there was a delay, a gap between events, and that if she has indeed taken action, she may have stirred up a proverbial hornet’s nest. She could be drifting away, being beaten, busy with cops, or laughing at all of us, as we speak. Who knows. Or, she could be starting to freak out, after her “shock wall” starts to come down. Sometimes people are numb and overwhelmed with disbelief, even though they can describe an event that has occurred. I’ve seen people crack like that before. They go all glassy eyed and it’s like it’s all a dream… at least, for a while. But then the full blown “omfg” realization happens later, and they either collapse in despair, or become hyper-agitated and frantic.
Idk. So many horrible things in this world. I hope this one isn’t real. But i’ve seen too much to deny that stuff like this could happen, and i can only guess that a typical 15yo would not handle it very well, not to mention one who has endured what is described in this user’s posts.
Heya Duke; I just commented on your marathon gab-fest with young Noonoo.
It’s 3:34 AM here, I drove 820 miles today. Don’t know how long I’ll stay awake. There are 11 beers left in the fridge, so who knows.
Guys….this is too horrible to want to believe. On the other hand….we may never know…we would need evidence…but even a picture can be Photoshopped pretty well. There was another girl on here…who’s father supposedly sexually abused her and used her daily, plus beating her and sharing her with his friends. We felt the way we do about this girl but then after a while things didn’t add up….she said her dad killed her brother or something and someone else….and we asked why there wasn’t any news coverage over two murders…..needless to say we never found out….we just won’t know…sucks. Sucks a lot. I’d rather have this be a scam, because for this to be true…..sadly this is true in the world….we just don’t hear about it.