I know I want to do it. I’m 22 , graduating college- everything seems ok. But I recently lost two jobs. I have battled with depression for years, and some of the horrible things that happened to me in my past are starting to show up in my head. I cant make freinds and I literaly sit at home and cry all day. I am in so much pain. I understand completley that killing myself is the only answer. But how do I get the courage to do it ? Part of me is scared of the consequence I guess. Please help. Ideas for something quick- easy cheap, that I couldn’t take back or my boyfreind couldn’t detect?
I understand how you feel, but don’t kill yourself. Depression is tough but it won’t always feel this way. Maybe it would help to talk about your problems with someone you trust. I can’t find work myself and I don’t have any friends IRL, but I haven’t given up yet. Once you take control over your emotions, things will be much easier. If you understand that what you are experiencing is irrational emotion as a result of past trauma, then you will be able to filter what you /should/ care about, and what you should /not/ think of.
There are so many more people than you imagine who go through these types of situations (especially at that age), yet they are able to overcome their pain and go on and find much fulfillment in life.
Hi sweety, I am also 22, have struggled with depression for years, and think about suicide all the time. And once I had the courage to do it, but I failed. And suddenly I found a new fight in me that wasn’t there before. I think that you should tell someone about how you are feeling, and mostly begin to forgive yourself for the way you have been feeling. Because you are human and it happens. I also have no friends and sit at home on my own all day! Sometimes I wonder what is the point, but you just have to take it one day at a time. Just even taking it one thing at a time, like think to yourself, “I’m going to get out of bed. I’m going to make a cup of tea. Im going to feed the cat”. Just one step at a time. If you want to speak to me about your feelings, email me amybelle21@hotmail.co.uk I am from England and trust me, you are not alone in the world.
Thank you 🙁