It could’ve been a lot worse. I could’ve had a life like you, and you, and you…
What is it?? Do I really have a warped mind? Am I sick? Do I need someone else’s help? Am I simply ungrateful? Lazy? Stupid? Ill-intentioned? What is wrong with me?? Why am I this way???
It is impossible for me to answer any of these questions. Why don’t you search for professional help and figure out if and what kind of help you need? We all have to do something if we want things to get better, that’s a good start.
“Why?” is always an important question. But then I have a question: what’s the best thing you can do with whatever you are? “Best” meaning what you feel you want to do, in a positive way of thinking.
Thank you for your response.
I feel I partly have to force myself to ‘just get over it’ and I partly need professional help. I can’t get professional help because I don’t have the money for that, and I have no idea how to ‘just get over it’.
I am now trying to be a bit more realistic and acknowledge what I have become, what I am now, as opposed to focusing on what I had wished and still wish to be. Maybe that is a solution? I know focusing on the positive points of my life is something else I could be doing, but it’s too hard. I just can’t seem to cancel out all of this regret, indifference, and inhibition…