Really sucks when you tell your family that you are suicidal and the first words out of their mouth is “you’ll burn in hell”. WTF!!! That’s the furthest thing from my mind when i’m holding the razor blade to my wrist. She did not even ask me why I want to do it and still hasn’t. That was over a week ago and I saw her today and told her again my suicidal urges are growing stronger. Even told her about my dreams I have been having where I go to my own funeral after I commit suicide. Still nothing. I am not telling my sis these things to get sympathy,not what I want at all. I have been reaching out to her for support. Recently I finally revealed to my sis that I have been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and Borderline Personality disorder. I decided to reveal these things to her because I am tired of hiding. I have been seeing a therapist for 3 months now.
Is your family religious? that might explain the burn in hell thing, which is a pretty strong reaction to be honest, as you say, WTF haha. Maybe she reacted that way too because she was surprised and couldn’t think of what to say… now she knows you have looked for help and you want to do something about maybe she’ll take it more seriously?
Hopefully she will in time, most likely is not that she doesn’t care, but some people really don’t know how to deal with certain situations
@Bugman: The reactions of others to our frank admission is bewildering, especially in light of all the public service announcements you read/hear advising us to reach out, be honest. I never see the asterisk with the fine print below the note about how to deal with the fall out at school or work or home or with your friends. I guess we’re supposed to figure that out as we go along…
Kuddos to you for being honest and trusting the people who care about you.
We will all burn hell. Damnation is coming for those who do not believe and those who believe too (just to play sure)
Well hey sure she will give you support, usually if not they have problems of their own/they don’tcare. People are complicated in either case. Hmm why are your suicidal urges growing stronger? Justthat first you should cut all negativity out of your life.