I’m the dying guru guy. A skeleton would have been more exquisite.
A leaf blunt in my mouth. These rotting depths, Seraphim pray for me.
I have never done wrong. In the art of dying. Can you be a next door.
In my labyrinth. Brone, drive me … a little to the east. Set up camp in the land.
I can find a way. This can be, our ground zero. I’m the rotting celibacy dude.
Be a man. And come see me. I’m the dying guru dude.
Be the dude, and come see me.
First, we need to crack my egg back to life. There’s a thin shell between me from living and dying that I must face and battle, now, in the form of a holy pilgrimage. I am dying.
We gonna go … play some native b-ball. The path to the neon volks wagon, perhaps. Is the sound of the music. Get on the trip-hop bus, the story of the world, our luggage. To become a free butterfly. The knights of doom, because you saved me.
Will you ever become… I wonder. At the end, is the lost trumpet.
1 comment
Okay, crew. I wonder. It sucks. When the story begins… like this.
Grey, like this box, and that’s the damn truth.
Seeking the next door through the crevice of space.
I’ve said this, in the name of celestial, is I, a stricken child.
The immoveable Excalibur.