31 years and still nothing but wasted potential. Â A jack of all trades and a master of none. Â Still no purpose no sense of worth, a burden at best. The worst kind of person there is a liar, a thief, a disappointment, a complete fucking waste of life and space. Â A coward with the face of a bull the mouth of a lion and the bite of a tiger, Â for loved ones only of course. Â Who else exists my world is a small one. Â Ruled by vices, hopeless, hopeless, hopegone.
I am a waste…
Yeah, I wish I could simply be, too. Doesn’t sound like you were complaining about anything, though. Do you think you can do something for me, and give me that chance, too. To simply be, and to simply waste away. Please… I’ll help you start a band, or do whatever you want. I need to start working out, though.
Can you expand your reach, and your heart? I don’t need much anything from you at all, only to be merely friends. I know my present isn’t very appealing at all, but, that’s why I’m here in the first place…. I need to change that. In the city of the lost children, came this super nice dude…
A band? Ive always wanted to make a band and name it rubber. I cant complain Id need a sense of worth for such a thing. Im lost on an island occupied by things that dont speak my language, but your language is my own. I would like your gift but but have nothing to give in return.
and your mind*
or is this like…. too strange, too bizarre… =B
Im confused