I am currently in my first year of college. All of high school I would go through my ups and downs with my self-esteem. Whenever I meet another amazingly nice, funny, and pretty girl, I become obsessed with them. I want to be them and I model myself after them. I become their friend and I change the way I do my makeup and hair, or the way I dress. I get angry that I have light brown hair and hers is dark brown, or that I will never be as tall or skinny as her. Or that my face is covered in acne. Life would be so much easier if I could be her instead. I sit around and think about what I’d do if I woke up the next morning and we had switched places.
Why do other people get to be so pretty?
It’s genetics honestly.
But, looks aren’t always all that important, it’s how the person is on the inside that matters, okay?
and NO! I’m not talking about internal organs and whatnot, I’m talking about the persons feeling, thoughts, ideals, personality, et cetera. I could go on for hours about why you shouldn’t mold yourself into something you aren’t. Sure, it’s okay to want to do something with you’re life and become something great! but, don’t try and copy others because, you think it’s “cool” try being yourself and the fact of that matter is, is that what you like is cool to you, follow your dreams and be yourself. 🙂 okay?
how do you know you’re not pretty ?