This may be my last post not because I’m going to kill myself. As my drs and social services don’t think I can cope anymore and they are right. They think my mental health condition is not manageable in the Community or like a psychiatric hospital. So they looking at sending me to a therapeutic Community. I really don’t want to go but got no Choice over the matter. I know I cart cope with the life I’ve been given feeling suicidal is just one off many problems I’ve got to deal with on a day to day basis. I wish I could be a different person with none off this shit. to get up and hear voices throughout the day not to feel so low and depressed I want to end it. And not to feel socially awkward but this is life for me and is getting worser. This therapeutic community may save my life then again it may puch my over the edge being away from my family but I got to try they noting els left to give or do over my mental health apart from going to this tape off Community. Hopefully one day I will get there and live a relatively normal life but for now and till i go to the go to community I’m on lock down back on a psychiatric ward. Where I seem to spend most my time at the moment.
Must be nice to have computer access in a psych ward…..I never did…..except to fill out an employment application for a job that I was looking to get and thankfully did. Even then it was supervised and she did most the navigating and typing.
I don’t I’m on my phone what got 4g on it whats lucky
Hope this works out for you.