….There are so many of us. So many of us who feel suicidal and want to harm ourselves. Yet most of us say we hide away and/or try to fit in. Why is there this pressure/stigma to depression that just adds to the guilt we already have. Scared of hurting family and friends by telling them how we honestly feel. Other people can be selfish, put themselves first, are taught to look after themselves if they are treated wrong or are ill, but feeling suicidal doesn’t get anything other than a raised eyebrow, or a look of fear from people like you are going to blow your brains out in front of them. People are idiots. And I can’t ever see this getting any better.
Hi WAB and thanks for your support in the other thread. It’s frustrating isn’t it? Every other fatal disease has a name, and there is no shame in talking about it (except maybe AIDS, and I understand how those people feel).
Tell someone you have cancer or leukemia, and they’ll treat you with compassion. But tell them you’re suicidal and you’ll probably get attacked for it.
Sometimes all we want is to be able to talk about it. To be ourselves. Instead we get a major guilt trip. Is suicide selfish? Sure. So is survival and “self preservation”. Funny that people get a free pass for anything they do over “self preservation” or “self defense”. You can even kill someone out of self defense, and people hail you as a hero. But try to do something out of “self destruction” and they say you’re a total loser.
I agree. 100% I would love to talk to you more. Would you like to email? X
Email, ugh. I sorta have a problem with email because I get so much bad news there. Same thing with phones and especially doorbells. I really am a fucked up mess, my friend. But I do enjoy talking to you & others here. It’s the 1 form of communication I don’t dread.
This is, unfortunately, very true. Suicide, depression and their related topics are still very much stigmatized, even in 2014 and the fact that so many people feel they cannot open to up to others about it is a major problem.
Salt, ok no problem I totally understand and feel the same way. I’m glad you find support on here and I hope it continues to help you feel you are not alone in this x