I want it over.
I don’t give a fuck how it happens.
Just, please.
Please, take me.
By my hand,
Or someone else’s.
Just let the suffering.
Drain from me.
Let me fall into that everlasting sleep.
Just please.
Fucking take me.
Wow it’ good.
You can overcome this (I know it’s not easy) and you’re writing is a gift the world needs. Your writing shows that you are a powerful teacher of compassion, and this earth needs every teacher of compassion it can find. I know about unbearable pain, lost my only child to suicide this year. But please go on, not for others, but for you. There is a rewarding life waiting for you, it is just a matter of learning to get out of your own way (we mortals get so good at getting in our own way). You call yourself the silent screamer, but I hear you.
I try.. Well, sort of..
Its.. Sooo inviting..
I don’t even know why i’m still here..