I saw my therapist yesterday. Surprisingly I opened up to her a lot about the voices (she knows about the other set which aren’t the Angels). The Angels weren’t there, so I wasn’t as nervous as I usually am in my sessions.
She did the number scales with me again. 0-10 on how likely I am to listen to the voices. The first was how likely I am to hurt myself because of them, I said 5 (it’s really a 8 or 9), but she was happy with that. And the other was how likely I am to hurt others because of them, to which I said 1 (when it’s actually a 5 or 6, fluctuating to an 8 or 9 depending on how bad they are at the time). Because of that answer she was quite happy with saying I’m not a danger to anyone.
I didn’t tell her about the demons that follow me. Or the figures or the Others. She thinks I’m making progress, finally, and the Angels said it would set me back if she knew about any of those or the Angels themselves. They don’t know if they can trust her anymore. Not since I told her about the other voices and some of what they say to me.
I knew I shouldn’t have done it – the Angels would be angry. But I needed to tell someone. And now I regret it, because the Angels are angry. I don’t know what to do about them when they’re angry. And the demons are constant. The Others and watching me more closely. I’ve made everything 10 times worse. I need to get away from people.
1 comment
hey, i remember you.