So all my characters have names now thanks for the help guys how’s everyone doing today I see a lot of new people coming to the suicide club welcome guys hay let’s chat I’m bored and want more characters ideas comment or email me
How about a bear or a white tiger ?
That was supposed to be a wink but guess it doesn’t translate. Maybe a penguin? I’m just listing my favorite animals lol
I think I could be a penguin il have a look if I do u can mane it and think of what mental illness it has
Ok! Fun
What mental ills u got email me indigojones5@gmaildot
how bout a monkey? there is that weird game of trying to link monkeys together. can’t remember it except that it drove me crazy!
or a turtle. turtles are cute.
I think that game was just called monkeys in a barrel. I remember it. Very fun. 🙂
Yesssss! thanks whiskers 🙂
I done a monkey lol