3 days ago was the actual anniversary. For those who have know idea who this guy is. His name is Phillip Jack Brooks better known as CM Punk. He was a wrestler he may (probably will) be knocked out in a few months as a MMA fighter but its this promo that makes him significant. You see he did something very few people ever get to do. He spoke his mind and was rewarded with everything he ever deserved. He got(sometimes deservedly) a lot of bs before and after this moment but its inspiring in a way. I didnt even watch wrestling at the time (still off and on with it) but when i found out about it years ago i was inspired. I want a moment like that. Where all the years of struggle get encapsulated in a moment that changes my life for the positive. I want to die. A lot. Sometimes more than anything anyone can ever want anything else. Because life is obtuse to me. Im tired of it. Im praying that at some point I’ll get/create a life changing opportunity.