Does anyone else get nauseated at the idea of waking up around 6 or 7 am? I can’t handle a productive day lasting longer than 8 hours after that i have to rest. I just lose interest in everything so if I wake up at 6 my day has to be over by 2 and I need peace and quiet. I don’t know why this is. I also always want to nap. However I can never just go to bed early, early to me is like 1030. If I go to bed around 11 there’s no way I’m waking up at 6 though. An idea time is 10-noon.
Idk if it stems from depression and lack of motivation or if I just can’t ever wake up early. Is anyone else like this?
I am very much like this. It is extremely difficult for me to wake up early in the morning; I do much better on an evening shift. I have read this is related to depression, but I don’t buy that for a second and here’s why:
People follow an entirely artificial schedule that requires alarm clocks to wake us up, and most full time employed people cannot take naps. Animals don’t do this, they follow a natural rhythm and nap when they’re tired. Have you ever seen anybody wake up their sleeping cat because it might get depressed if it sleeps during the day?
Yes ! Exactly.
Also, studies have shown that a quick nap after lunch is a great way to boost productivity at work. Alertness, productivity, immune system resilience, and … wait for it … mood.
It is just intuitive to me that you’re likely to be in a better mood if all your (perfectly normal) human needs are being sufficiently met – food, sleep, and sex.
As mysteriousVisitor said, the sleep routine we are forced to follow is entirely artificial … it’s like shutting down an server for 8 hours so it can cool down. It works well for machines, but people aren’t machines. They are infinitely more complex. So many variables determine when a person wants to sleep – diet, age, overall health, amount of physical exertion, medications, mood, overall lifestyle, etc. How can one possibly be expected to conform to the same schedule as everyone else ?
And also, if you ask me, that whole circadian rhythm thing is a huge crock of shit. I’ve ALWAYS been a night owl. I LOVE the cool, quiet calm of night. How can anyone not ? How anyone can prefer the almost unbearable noise of the daytime over the peaceful quiet of nighttime is beyond me. A noisy civilization reflects the noisy human mind. People are addicted to noise. They are misled to think that that is desirable. And, they do a good job of believing that.
Now I can’t shake the image of somebody yelling at their cat, “Damn it Fluffy, wake up and get out of that windowsill before you end up in a psych ward!”
I still remember my dad waking me up as a teen one night as I napped on the couch, saying “Wake up and go to bed.” It was so absurd I laughed. Fortunately, he did also. Morning can be beautiful, but they are best slept through. My sleep cycle runs from about 11 pm to 6 am. Outside of those hours, I will not sleep, but might catch a 10 minute nap. And a 10 minute afternoon nap for me recharges me for hours, much better than coffee or soda. I agree with Einsamkeit, the night is a beautiful time.