Assuming you were going to commit suicide. Would you choose to be sober or intoxicated? I think I’m going to be drinking some liquid courage when I make my final move. However, part of me is afraid that I will drink and just want to experience the euphoria of being drunk and not follow through. My hope is that being drunk will give me the courage needed to go through with my method. I was also thinking of taking pills that help with anxiety such as lorazepam, to again help me gain the courage to do it. I also have debated just trying to ‘man up’ and do it sober, more so from a philosophical point of view. Because do I really want my last thoughts to be some drunken stupidness.
Here’s a list of pros and cons I have come up with
Intoxication pros:
- Less last minute thoughts and doubts
- less anxiety in my final moments
- More courage to make the last move
- Induce the ‘fuck it’ attitude
Intoxication cons
- Getting too messed up and just passing out without attempting my method
- blotching up my attempt because I wasn’t fully aware of what I was doing and making sure everything was properly in place.
- Enjoying the high too much, therefor not attempting.
- Potentially changing my mind when it comes too suicide note ect. ( basically deciding to change what I had written down when I was sober)
- Basically not trusting an intoxicated me to stay on task
Sober pros
- Having clarity of mind when going out
- Potentially experiencing a sense of peace and bliss that people talk about once they make their final move.
- Being more focused on having everything in place such as suicide method, suicide note ect
- Assuming I have the courage to do it, there is a more likely chance of me being successful.
Sober cons
- Potentially lots of anxiety, fear ect in my final moments
- Not having the courage to do it
Basically just wanting to know how you guys would choose. Not trying to ask for methods or anything. Just wondering that assuming your method didn’t involve drugs, would you choose to do it sober or intoxicated? and why?
Id want to be buzzed, but not plastered. Best option. Id feel good and be able to operate decently. However my method wont involve too much perfection anyways.
Yeah, finding a happy medium seems like it’d be ideal
I rather to do it sober. Like you said you might pass out and not do your attempt. Even If I get a buzz, i will get sloppy and mess it up. So I prefer sober. My mind will be alot more cleared if I’m sober. Can’t think if I’m drunk
Yeah, the clarity is a big upside of being stone cold sober. The big thing is have the will to do it sober, assuming your method is violent.
That’s true what you said: “The big thing is have the will to do it sober, assuming your method is violent.”
I want to use inert gas asphyxiation as my first plan. And hanging as my plan b. And I don’t how I’m going to do my plan b if I have to go down that route. Cause I’m so afraid of pain. And I don’t know if drinking or not drinking will help do that. Nice post
I’d love to get into the different methods with you. As we seem interested in the same ones. But, I don’t want to get banned haha. If theres a way to private message let me know! Yeah the pain part is a pretty big pro with alcohol, or any depressant for that matter. I’ve never been a big drinker, i’ve actually debated starting to drink, just to get comfortable with it so I can use it to my advantage.
The painkilling effect is the primary, feeling peaceful a very welcome secondary benefit. There are three ways that I can think of to combo to ensure fatality each with it’s positives and negatives.
Painkiller and fear killer are giant! The number one thing people think about when considering suicide options is pain and fear. So If alcohol or other drugs help diminish that than it makes sense, It;s just finding a balance, some weird part of me doesn’t feel right leaving this place with my mind being altered. But I guess if im going than who really cares.