how were you guys diagnosed? all the signs are there. my parents don’t give a fuck they just think im crazy. I also don’t wanna take crazy amounts of pills. I thought i could handle it all by myself, but im going fucking insane.
It’s pretty simple. A mental health professional asks you a series of questions about how you feel, think and react in the course of your everyday life, and based on your answers, a diagnosis follows.
I’m sure you can find similar diagnosis “tools” online with similar questions and diagnoses.
Go to a professional for a diagnosis. They may or may not prescribe any medication, based on your condition. You can discuss with them why you don’t want to be on medication and they would definitely take that into account.
Personally, my meds helped but I think my mind sort of adapted to them after a while.
main reason I don’t want to take pills is because i don’t want to be “fake” happy. maybe i need a therapist.
I’ve taken dumb tests online and same results every time.
You get drunk, you become a drunkard, but not act, like one.
i was diagnosed bipolar at 15 in a mental hospital after trying to kill myself but that turned to bpd once i turned 18. just go to a psychologist/doctor w/ your concerns. you likely wont have to take lots of pills, just an anti depressant or an anti psychotic once a day. therapy is a LOT more useful than medication though
very very close. i am getting there
You don’t have bipolar depression, those are for the sinners.. you may have the anxiety part, though.
i was diagnosed bipolar at 15 in a mental hospital after trying to kill myself but that turned to bpd once i turned 18. just go to a psychologist/doctor w/ your concerns. you likely wont have to take lots of pills, just an anti depressant or an anti psychotic once a day. therapy is a LOT more useful than medication though
Bi-polar depression is a weapon God uses to slay evil; I’ve experience this only once, but didn’t deserve it, God was showing me the distinction, versus regular depression — because sometimes normal life, can be difficult.
I bought a shotgun to kill myself with and then I was followed and tossed into the bin. I don’t know my official diagnosis because I couldn’t hear a damn thing they said. I started getting raped after that. I’ve been raped almost every week since then, I’ve counted 180 times. I have no idea who or why they are raping me though. . .