Its been so long, and I really hate to say I’m back. Its like depression never ends!!! This was the only place I could turn to when things got rough, and I wanted to be a big girl and tough it out, my life just plays over in a shitty loop with extra surprise every go round. I knew that as soon as I tried to find this site it was over, as much as everyone was a big help, I know deep inside I’m a lost cause. I feel like I’m really not supposed to be here like the world is rejecting me, did death forget about like everybody else did, am I just as unimportant as I feel, like that feeling when someone you truly care about just pushes you to the side and your just devastated like no not you. I’d lose anybody but you. This is the first time I can honestly say I’m alone
1 comment
I feel you. Life is taking too long. I want off this ride.